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James Wright

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Re: Something New...Something Big!!!
2/24/2008 11:52:19 AM

Here we are, already one month old, and look at the progress this website is making. Are you in on it? We are on a 10 day bonus credits program. Please take a look at this letter from the management team:


Dear James,

Trafficera is now 1 month old … and what an incredible month it has been!

It is hard to believe that a month has gone by already, but we sure have a LOT to show for it. We are now at nearly 12,000 members which is absolutely amazing when you consider it takes most programs many, many months (if not years) to achieve these kinds of numbers. And it shows no sign of slowing down!

We wanted to take this opportunity to thank all our members for their hard work and dedication in helping to bring trafficera to these incredible highs. And since we are just about finished with our gradual launch schedule, you can expect some great promotions in the coming weeks as we reward all the time and effort you have put into this program.

In fact, we are going to start things off with a bang in the month of March, by rewarding all our upgraded members with some great bonuses. And best of all, you don’t have to do a single thing!

Simply by being upgraded you will be able to receive bonus credits for 10 days in a row! Here is how it will work:

On March 1st, all upgraded members will receive their loyalty reward bonus. For those of you that were upgraded BEFORE February 1st, you already received your first loyalty reward, which means that on March 1st you will get DOUBLE what you received on February 1st.

As an example, if you were Platinum on February 1st, then you received 5,000 credits as a loyalty bonus, but on March 1st you are going to receive 10,000 credits as a loyalty bonus. And the best part is that this loyalty reward keeps going up EVERY month (until you reach the maximum). But remember, you will need to keep your account upgraded in order to take advantage of this. So, if you are on a “pay as you go” 1 month-at-a-time plan, make sure you don’t forget to maintain your upgrade. It would be a shame to pass up all these extra credits.

But if you are not yet upgraded, it is not too late to take advantage of the 10 days of bonuses. More than 500 members are already experiencing the incredible benefits of an upgraded membership and you can too! Simply log into your account and follow the green upgrade tab in the top left corner of the screen.

Well, that takes care of 1 of the days of bonuses, but what about the other 9 days? Every day from the 2nd of March up to and including the 10th, we are going to reward EVERY upgraded member with 2,000 credits. That’s right, by simply being upgraded you will receive an extra 2,000 credits added to your account EVERY day for all 9 days! When you add this all up with the loyalty reward, you could actually be getting as much as 28,000 credits over those 10 days!

We hope that you continue to enjoy this program and we look forward to the bright future ahead.


Trafficera Admin
Logiscape Technologies Inc

Logiscape Technologies Inc. currently owns and operates trafficera, ts25, trafficpods, hitpulse, and backbone banners.


PS: I need 19 more motivated surfers to join my team. Are you one of them?

Merry Makowski

134 Posts
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Re: Something New...Something Big!!!
10/25/2008 1:34:17 AM
I am in Trafficera and that is where my biggest online brake started.  I am in one of the top teams, Generalen and one of top surfers in it.  Used to be that team leader, but passed this to a friend with more free time and bigger passion for clicking, lol
I don't surf as much any more, have high PV from sponsoring and referring hits, and my husband loves to race on our clock competitions, which definitely helps :-)

I have met there great people, made strong friendships and partnerships, it truly could not get any better.

I would advise everyone to join TE, but not just to promote your sites.
Join a team, start few new groups, keep on updating your profile and meet new friends, majority of the people there are great marketing freaks :-)

My user name there is merry, please send me a contact request,


I want to fly high with SFI, care to fly with me… You might say “But to fly, we must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. “ Of course one cannot, but together we can :-)
James Wright

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Re: Something New...Something Big!!!
11/2/2008 1:33:35 PM

Hi Merry, thank you for the report. Traffic Era has been a big hit, and over the past months, the membership has grown tremendously, adding more value to your marketing efforts! I'll send you an invitation.

Merry Makowski

134 Posts
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Re: Something New...Something Big!!!
11/2/2008 3:01:17 PM
Great, looking forward to it :-)
I want to fly high with SFI, care to fly with me… You might say “But to fly, we must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. “ Of course one cannot, but together we can :-)
James Wright

2397 Posts
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Re: Something New...Something Big!!!
1/1/2009 1:56:39 PM

Merry, look where you are now...the biggest deal of the year...and our queen for the week. Congratulations!!
