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James Wright

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Re: Something New...Something Big!!!
1/22/2008 12:40:38 PM

Hi Judy, thanks for stopping by. I'm officially online (training phase over) with Amerijet now, so I hope to have more free time on my hands.

James Wright

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Re: Something New...Something Big!!!
1/22/2008 12:42:19 PM

Hey Nick, thanks for stopping by with the cool artwork. You are always a blessing!

Phillip Black

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Re: Something New...Something Big!!!
1/22/2008 7:54:32 PM

Hi James,

Thanks for the link.  Looks like it going to be Great.

Thanks Again My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
James Wright

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Re: Something New...Something Big!!!
1/22/2008 11:12:50 PM

Hi Phil, thanks for the comeback, and the report. I cannot believe all the teams and groups that have already been started here!

For those who have not joined yet, here's the link:

Traffic Era is opening in phases, and it's not too late to get in and get a head start. If you go pro tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 Eastern, you will receive a bunch of extra credits to go along with it!! The surf bar is not open yet either!

James Wright

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Re: Something New...Something Big!!!
1/23/2008 9:08:23 AM



How can you ignore this new program being launched by Logiscape who are also the owners of TS25, Traffic Pods, and HitPulse?  They have big bucks to work with and they are sparing no expense.

This program is being released in phases, you can’t upgrade til later today the 23rd at 3 P.M. (Yes, it's been delayed). You will not be allowed to enter websites until the 24th and won't be able to start surfing til the 27th. It's interesting how they are doing this but apparently this is planned for a reason!

What you can do right now is join, refer others, and then build your team. You can also set up your profile, blog, yes, a blog post. So much is promised in the initial offering it’s mind boggling.

I Just received an email that states a new member is signing up every 25 seconds, with over 400 discussions going on within 250 groups. I'm not sure how this program will play out, since all the details are not out yet, but just from all the excitement you would think it’s worth joining just to have your sites seen by thousands in the initial launch alone.

There is so much talk about forming teams which apparently will be an advantage for the team structure that I felt maybe we should form our own team.

This can be fun and very rewarding as well. If you haven’t joined yet my referral link is:

I'm looking for lots of comments on this post. Let me know if you want to form a discussion group and your thoughts about  team effort, or just thoughts about the program in general.  Would love to hear from you on this. Please share your thoughts about Traffic Era!!

PS: I just received an email from the owners of Traffic Era. I'd like to share it with you.


Dear James,

We would like to thank all members for their patience and understanding between approximately 1:00pm and 4:00pm PST on January 22nd.  During this time we experienced several periods of downtime and intermittent connectivity to trafficera which was caused by an incredible amount of member activity on the server (which of course we are very happy about).

We are pleased to announce that several steps have been taken to optimize the server so that it can handle this incredibly high activity level of our membership base.  We will continue to monitor the network and make further adjustments should they be needed in the future as trafficera continues to grow at an alarming pace.

So, what about upgrading?  Unfortunately, we were unable to correct the server issues prior to the original 3:00pm activation time, and so the ability to upgrade was postponed until January 23rd at 3:00pm PST.  (This is to your advantage!!!!)

Due to the fact that members receive a larger upgrade bonus the earlier they upgrade, we could not simply allow upgrading at the time the server was restored (as I am sure you can understand).  Therefore the need to post a new time so that all members have an equal chance at upgrading quickly when it becomes available.


Trafficera Admin
Logiscape Technologies Inc

Logiscape Technologies Inc. currently owns and operates trafficera, ts25, trafficpods, hitpulse, and backbone banners.


Folks, if you haven't gotten into this program yet, here's your opportunity to do so, this will be an excellent place to advertise all your sites:

If there is anyway possible for you to get in before 3:00 Eastern you will be able to upgrade at that time, and get in on the major incentive program they are offering.


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