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Ruby Garson

151 Posts
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Back to the Basics, A way to build Trust!
1/12/2008 9:33:44 PM


Back for our next marketing lesson. A way to Build Trust!

First, before all else,  you need to start a friendship, as mentioned in the last lesson. 

To me, it seems that most people need to trust the people they do business with.  I like to start off any online friendships, by sending an invitation to be friends. 

If you don't do that, you don't have the right to even mention joining anything or offer to consider anything, in my opinion.

If you're not interested in the person enough to invite them into your circle of friends, they won't be interested in you or anything you have to say for that matter.  So First, Invite people to be friends.

Then, once they accept, you may want to work your birthday list.  I like to send people a happy birthday wish, when it's their birthday.  I try to keep up with it, but I'm not always able to do it.  So I sometimes send belated birthday wishes.

Once you create a non threatening or insulting message, it becomes easier to open the friendship to a new, business level.  One in which it is safe to share your insights with others.

If people recieve email or message after message with only marketing messages blasted to thier personal email. Sooner or later, they will disregard your messages as not worth opening.  They may just delete them without evern reading them. 

If however, you first send an actual message with no advertising, the next message will be more of a personal matter and will more than likely be opened.

So my lesson for today is DO Not Blast your Advertising throughtout peoples personal  inboxes.  You will get more responses to the personal messages.

Later once the friendship is on more solid ground, a trust developes, and the things that are shared, don't seem like advertising at all.  They are just things found. And you are sharing them with your friends.  Understand!

Friendship is more important and will help build trust in your relationships.

That is all for now!

until next time.

Your Friend,





To Your Life Success, From Direct Response Ruby Garson Success University Get paid to be entertained! http://www.E4L.BIZ/money.htm?RubyGarson
Steven Suchar

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Re: Back to the Basics, A way to build Trust!
1/13/2008 4:19:54 AM
"Thank You Ruby...I Certainly Agree With You 101%"

Nick Sym

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Re: Back to the Basics, A way to build Trust!
1/13/2008 4:28:21 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Larry Blethen

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Re: Back to the Basics, A way to build Trust!
1/13/2008 7:08:10 AM
hello Ruby...thank you ...I agree fully with your points ..very interesting...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603

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