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Re: Your Inspiration For Today!
8/12/2005 8:02:12 AM
Hi Marilyn, That IS an inspiring story. Thanks for sharing. It is a fine example of how important it is for us to set goals. Most of us won't hit a 'home run' our first time at bat, as the person in your story did. But if we stick to our dreams and put forth the effort, we can succeed. Believe in your dreams. Randall

Randall Parks/FreeAloePlant

Randall Parks/Cactus and yucca

Re: Your Inspiration For Today!
8/12/2005 8:11:39 AM
Well, Good Morning Marilyn and might I add you have certainly done a number on my inspiration today. Thank you so much for sharing. In preperation for an exciting weekend of work, I am going keep with me your final line of inspiration: All Things are possible with just a little faith in yourself and in God! Blessings in All you do, Kathy
Re: Your Inspiration For Today!
8/12/2005 8:16:24 AM
Marilyn, Excelent article! It sounds that Linda does her writting from her heart, and experiences. When something is from a person's heart it will touch people.
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Re: Your Inspiration For Today!
8/12/2005 10:06:56 AM
Hi Marilyn, Awesome inspiration for the day. A true posting of value to your readers! Thank you for sharing it. We need more folks like you in this community. Today, I Will Be More Than I Was Yesterday, And even more than that Tomorrow!
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Re: Your Inspiration For Today!
8/12/2005 10:58:23 AM
Hello Marilyn, Great story, yes never give up on your dreams, I will write a book of my life,and all my trials and tribulations soon,I have alot to share with the world.Great job,thanks kathy martin
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