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Linda Harvey

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Re: EASY as 1 - 2 - 3 Whole Food Farmacy and Eating Healthy !
4/22/2008 4:29:44 PM

What if the cavemen didn't discover fire?

The Bite

We might be a lot healthier. Cooking your food at temps above 116 degrees depletes nutrients and uses more energy. Eating more raw foods boosts your health and saves energy - no loincloth required.

The Benefits

  • Getting your nutrients. One study found that stove-cooked spinach lost 77% of its folate; another study found that broccoli lost up to 97% of its antioxidants when nuked in the microwave.
  • Better digestion. Your body has to use its own metabolic enzymes to digest food that's cooked above the 116-degrees mark, which requires energy and can leave you feeling sluggish.
  • Tasty dishes. Nope, you're not relegated to eating only cold veggie sticks - raw foodies can nosh on delectables like chocolate truffles and pumpkin butter.

Whole Food Farmacy has many tasty treats to snack on or make meal of :
Linda Harvey

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Re: EASY as 1 - 2 - 3 Whole Food Farmacy and Eating Healthy !
4/23/2008 10:20:32 AM

Healthy Spices

Stock Photo: spices

Antioxidants are those nutrients in whole foods that keep diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer away. When you think about antioxidants, fruits and vegetables usually come to mind. But those aren't the only foods where these health boosting nutrients are hiding.  

New research shows that herbs and spices also pack a powerful punch when it comes to antioxidants. A USDA study looked at nearly 40 common herbs and spices to test their antioxidant activity.  Oregano emerged as the leader of the pack. 

Researchers found that oregano has 3 to 20 times more antioxidant activity than the other herbs studied. In fact, it has more than many fruits and vegetables. Oregano has 42 times more antioxidant activity than apples, 30 times more than potatoes, 12 times more than oranges and 4 times more than blueberries. But that's not the only herb or spice that can improve your health. Dill, thyme, sage, rosemary, ginger and even peppermint have high antioxidant levels too.

The main ingredient in curry is Turmeric, from which a spice called Curcumin is derived. Sally Frautschy, Ph.D., is a researcher from UCLA who has done extensive testing on Curcumin. She says that “we accidentally found out that it blocks every single step in Alzheimer's pathogenesis and it kills nearly every cancer cell in the lab.”  In India, curry is part of the staple diet; they also have the lowest rates of Alzheimer's disease in the world. 

Marcia Herrin, R.D., a nutritionist at the Dartmouth Medical School says "practically every herb and spice that's been studied has some health benefit," herbs and spices are loaded with antioxidants, but we may not be getting those benefits as much as we could. Herrin says Americans don't use many herbs and spices compared to the rest of the world.

Researchers also say that many of these herbs are only absorbed by the body when they're eaten with fat, so recipes that include healthy fats, like those found in Heart of Gold, a delicious plant oil blend available only from The Wholefood Farmacy.

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Linda Harvey

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Re: EASY as 1 - 2 - 3 Whole Food Farmacy and Eating Healthy !
4/23/2008 2:53:42 PM
Whole Food Farmacy and Eating Healthy  Easy as 1   2   3

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Linda Harvey

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Re: EASY as 1 - 2 - 3 Whole Food Farmacy and Eating Healthy !
4/23/2008 4:38:56 PM

I would like to have you on our Team !

Whole Food Farmacy and Eating Healthy  Easy as 1   2   3

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Linda Harvey

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Re: EASY as 1 - 2 - 3 Whole Food Farmacy and Eating Healthy !
4/24/2008 1:01:40 PM
 Orange you glad you get to eat carbs?
According to a recent review from Copenhagen University Hospital, the best way to whittle down your waist is to replace carbohydrates from sugar and refined grains (like white bread) with carbs from fruits and vegetables. Orange-hued foods were found to be the most effective substitutes.

Since fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, they keep you feeling full longer and researchers believe the high levels of antioxidants like vitamin C and beta-carotene fend off the belly fat. Get a good dose of beta-carotene from carrots, cantaloupe, squash and peaches. You can get your vitamin C from oranges and berries, but remember that fruit juice is not a good substitute for the real thing.

How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?
You should be getting about 25 percent of your daily calories from protein, Ryan suggests, but you should make sure to choose lean sources like low-fat yogurt, fat-free milk, fish and poultry to keep calories down. Nuts are also high in protein, but can also be high in calories, so eat them in moderation. Tracey recommends roughly a handful a day.

Protein helps to keep you feeling full and boost your energy -- aiding in your weight-loss efforts. According to research from Skidmore College and Copenhagen University Hospital, eating additional protein is especially helpful for those over 40 in reducing abdominal fat.

Selenium: One marvelous mineral.
A recent survey of over 8,000 Americans found that this cancer-fighting mineral also seemed to lower rates of abdominal obesity, reporting that those with lower levels of selenium had larger waistlines.

Several foods contain selenium, so it's hard to know if you're getting your recommended 55 mcg per day. The best sources are whole grains, nuts (especially Brazil nuts), poultry, red meat and seafood. Foods rich in vitamin E, such as nuts and seeds, will increase the effectiveness of selenium in the body. Your best bet to get enough selenium is to eat a varied, balanced diet or try a supplement containing the mineral.

 Me and Fatty McGee: Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
There's a difference between good and bad fats. Eating good fats like monounsaturated and omega-3s make it easier to stay slim, according to recent research.

"The healthy fats, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are found in fish, nuts, olive oil and avocado, while the bad fats, like saturated and trans are found in butter, shortening, pre-packaged cakes and cookies," Ryan says.

A Wake Forest University study found that over a 6-year period, participants whose only source of fat was trans fats gained 30 percent more fat in their abdominal region and had early signs of diabetes. You don't have to fear fats if you know which are good and bad.

Exercise and follow these simple guidelines and you'll be on your way to an abs-olutely amazing midsection!

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