Dear friends, AdLandPro members and visitors!

From bottom of my heart I thank all voting for me in POTW race voting.

It was hard race, and You, my friends, are Winners!
It is not individual race. Only friend's help gives possibility to win
And You, my friends, from New Zealand to California did it!

Thanks for our opponents too. Without opponents is no race, impossible to win.

And, of course, I thank POTW Awards Team of Peter Fogel, Jim Allen III and the forever smiling and tree hugging Ana Maria Padurina for organization of this game

I am in shock yet! Adrenalin in my blood...

I can not find enough adequate words to express my feeling.
I am in possibility only to say, Thank you, Good luck to all, hugs...
Greetings from Russia, СПАСИБО, Lydia
