
Jo Matthias

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Re: Let's Talk About QUITTERS! Not exactly my favorite subject!!
12/30/2007 9:59:11 AM

Hello Kathleen,

Great information for all, thank you.....

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Let's Talk About QUITTERS! Not exactly my favorite subject!!
12/30/2007 10:28:30 AM

Thanks, Stephen!

I've done very well this year in businesses, all people need to do is put in some daily effort and stick with it!  I'm no different than anyone else, we just need to look around and utilize the resources that are in front of us!  Thanks for your visit and for all everything you've done this year to promote your friends!!

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Let's Talk About QUITTERS! Not exactly my favorite subject!!
12/30/2007 10:31:18 AM

Thanks for the beautiful greeting, Nick!  Here's something we see a lot of in North and South Canada (Michigan) LOL!  DUCK!!!

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Let's Talk About QUITTERS! Not exactly my favorite subject!!
12/30/2007 10:34:16 AM

Thanks, Jo!
Happy New Year to you and your family, from me and my people family and my cats...this looks just like my cat, Minnie:

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Re: Let's Talk About QUITTERS! Not exactly my favorite subject!!
12/31/2007 12:52:15 AM

Great information Kathleen! and so true!  ADP is one of the best places for marketing and making contacts.  I've been a member for years, but was inactive and stopped coming here for a long time.  I recently rediscovered it and I still haven't yet spent the kind of time I should building contacts and keeping in contact with all my connections I've made here. They've all emailed to say welcome or whatever and I still haven't even replied to most of them.. really NOT the way to go about promoting a business or building a network.. or making and keeping friends for that matter.  This post reminds me I need to be better about that and start using the awesome systems in place here at Adlandpro.  Thanks.. Happy New Year!



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