
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Let's Talk About QUITTERS! Not exactly my favorite subject!!
12/27/2007 8:03:54 AM

Let's Talk About QUITTERS!  Not exactly my favorite subject!!

Too often, people quit a business before they have actually put in 1 day's promotion time.  What I mean by that is, a full 8 hours.  You don't need to do it all in one day either.  Just devoting 30 minutes daily will make a big difference in your response rate and sign-up rate.  It would take you 16 days of 30 minutes each day to amount to 1 day of work as measured in the real world, right?  So before you think about quitting your homebased business, ask yourself if you've put in 8 hours of promoting yet.  Did you?

Adlandpro has 10,000's of members and we can contact all of them for free by personal message.  You'll never run out of new prospects here, new people join Adlandpro Community every day.   Here are several links where you can find new friends and let them know about your business.  Remember, don't spam forums, don't post ads in non-ad forums, and especially don't say "You have lots of friends, join my business and help me earn so I can sit here and do nothing!"  In general, the people who have worked to gain large friends lists are most likely not going to fall for that!

Put in 30 minutes daily inviting new friends and letting them know about yourself and your business, and do that for 16 days and you'll probably get some results!  You owe it to yourself not to quit your business without putting in at least 1 day of work, that's 8 hours in real-world time!

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You can find active marketers all over Adlandpro, it's a good idea to contact people who have posted ads in the Advertising forums and in Offers/Requests:

New Members, Most Friendly, Most Active, POTW's (Invite people to your friends list, DON'T just approach them because they have more friends than you do, people WORKED to invite friends, and you'll also need to WORK to build your friends list!)

Also contact your current friends at the FRIENDS link on the left side of your page.


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Re: Let's Talk About QUITTERS! Not exactly my favorite subject!!
12/27/2007 8:31:03 AM
Kathleen, this is very helpful and informative for newbies, thanks alot!
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Let's Talk About QUITTERS! Not exactly my favorite subject!!
12/27/2007 9:16:09 AM
You're VERY welcome, Murray!
Thanks for visiting and reading my post!!
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Jen Maxwell

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Re: Let's Talk About QUITTERS! Not exactly my favorite subject!!
12/27/2007 9:35:01 AM

Hi Kathleen,

Well said.  This post is great for those of us who don't know Adland well yet.

Now if only I can figure out how to send a personal message to all my friends at the same time.....

Thank you.

Award Winning System cancels mortgage and debt interest on steroids! Without paying more each month! "The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate
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Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Let's Talk About QUITTERS! Not exactly my favorite subject!!
12/27/2007 9:44:24 AM
Never thought a thread could come out of the idea to start something and then abandon ship. It's something people obviously do but don't mention it, just let it die and never deal with again.

On the aspect of contacting 10,000 people for free with a personal message stirs a bit of challenge for me however. There are consequences for sending unsolicited personal messages and should be avoided. Generally, that is at a minimum here at ADP and if someone is guilty of it, do-do will hit the fan, so to speak, if you know what I mean.

I came across an interesting experience this holiday. I got a bottle of ASAI for a gift, which had a lable with the contact's email address. As a result of emailing him, I think I'll be subcribing to a new product I can easily promote and use for my entreprenurial efforts.       
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