Dear Adlandpro friends! Let's celebrate the Birth of The Prince of Peace, and Son of Love, The Son o Man (what a nice Greek expression = Υιος του Ανθρώπου) with angelic Orthodox sounds.
Waves of happiness are touching our homes so are the sounds of HEAVEN. I am a nothing under the powers of the Lord. The only thing I can do is to serve Him.
Though it is the Birth of The Saviour (SOTER)
I will contribute with a song of from our church
to show the suverainty of the Orthodox Church
in sounds and vowels and ancient scripture
that the songs are build on.
More and more Christians turn to Orthodoxy believeing that
the original scripture are God Written and not Mans manipulated.
That is the reason that Byzantine Empire lost its gloria and was given
as a gift to Mouslems and not handed over to the Latins.
Of course I respect everyones's beliefs and
I don't recommend any one to follow mine.
The Catholics and the other Chritian sectors should understand this sounds.
Our Church is blamed by Catholic Hierarchy ant all "heretic" sections.
In Psalmodies and Choir we do it much better.
The problem is not the suverainity. No one is suverain on earth
Ecumenical United Christianity is what we should search
and streave after. It is a dream that never will happen
because the EGO of MAN is not ready to accept GOD,
His Wisdom, and his LOGOS.