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Flag of Marilyn L Martin

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12/20/2007 10:20:34 AM

Your business success depends on your ability to promote your services, your products, and yourself. Fortunately, promotion is simple. People will buy them because they need them and because they have a relationship with you. It's the personal connection you make with your prospects that will help them remember you, and like you.

Your business success depends on your ability to promote your services, your products, and yourself. Fortunately, promotion is simple. I hate selling. "But, I'm not a born salesperson," you say. "I don't want to hustle people." And, images of high-pressure, arm-twisting solicitors come to mind. But, that doesn't have to be you. You're not pushing your services/products onto others; people will buy them because they need them and because they have a relationship with you. It's the personal connection you make with your prospects that will help them remember you, and like you.

Self-promotion doesn't come easily to everyone. But, to grow your business, you must market your services and your products everyday. Your selling job consists of two things: First, making people aware of your services/products and second, making it easy for them to do business with you. Here are some easy marketing tips:

1. Evaluate your promotional materials: Are they consistent? Do they appear professional, yet personal? Your promotional materials should put your customers first, and discuss ways that you can help them. Write with the intent of creating value for the clients you serve. Use a professional agency to design your marketing message and refine your corporate identity. Keep the style, fonts, and colors the same for your letters, brochures, and newsletters.

2. Persuade naturally: Develop a partnership with your customers. Approach each client's situation as a team effort, rather than something that you are supplying. Don't rattle off your capabilities; instead, tell your prospect a story about how you helped another client.

3. Develop your personal presence: A winning image starts with how you look. Pay attention to your appearance, the way you make eye contact, how you use your voice, the things you talk about, and the firmness of you handshake - these reflect how well you think of yourself and how you want others to think of you.

4. Create the right telephone presence: A phone call may be the first contact you have with a potential customer. Create the same kind of atmosphere that you would in a face-to-face meeting. Listen carefully to what your prospective client says and really respond.

5. Handwrite a message in your correspondence: Include this personal touch whether it's a thank-you note or a simple P.S. at the bottom of a letter.

6. Show your customers that you appreciate them: Do things that help your clients. For example, record a "tip of the day" on your voice mail message, send clients two tickets to a special event with a note, photocopy interesting articles and send them to clients and prospects with a hand-written "FYI" note and your business card.

You know, you can can an awesome product or service and it not succeed if people do not like the person you are, or have no idea about you and trust you. That is why it is so very important to get yourself promoted and have people recognize who you are and what you stand for. Once people know you and like you, you can sell them just anout anything! Maybe even ice to an Eskimo! LOL

So get out there in the different Communities, such as MySpace, Hi5, ApSense, Lazzeo, Ojeez and others, and make friends everywhere and let people get to know who YOU are. That's the real first step to success! Good Luck.

God Bless You All & Happy Holidays!

Love Marilyn

Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
Spiderweb Marketing

Traffic Tornado

12/20/2007 10:42:21 AM
Hi Marilyn, Awesome post, I agree, many people don't understand that mlm, network marketing is a relationship business, it is not about products or companies, it's about people. That's why our system at Mentoring For Free works so well. We understand that when you build life long relationships with people, you build lifetime business partners. Joseph, God Bless You
Flag of John Charles

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12/20/2007 10:43:30 AM

Marilyn - You're awesome.

Thank you.


with love and God's blessings towards your success.
Flag of Sheryl Loch

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12/20/2007 2:18:28 PM
Hello Marilyn,
I have recently been trying to help the people at BizPreneur understand that if they are not out leaving comments, posting blogs, posting in the forum, & setting up their profile - they will not make sales. People will not know you even exist if they can't see you. I do not tell them to push ads in peoples faces but, rather be seen as a real person 1st.

You have to sell yourself! People need to feel as if they know you!

We even redid the forum & put up a joke section & a word game section.

 People said Why would that help?

A. So many people look just out of curiosity.
B. You have a sigline with your links.
C. Some people will connect with you because of your personality.
D. It is just plain fun to give yourself a break.

As for my WholeFood Farmacy - I have not placed a blatant ad for over a year. It is really going well. I run a sig line on every comment, blog post, forum post.... I always include my full name & username with hot links.

I also did an online conference with Kathleen Gage & The Blog Squad. They made a point that I really like. You are not Anthony Robbins so doing exactly as he did may not work for you. You must adjust your advertising to fit your personality.

Sorry Marily that I got off on a rant. LOL!
I just get so upset to hear people say that they can not make sales from (whatever) site. Well, just because you registered, does not mean people will flock to you. You should have your profile at a social site set up before you ever leave the first time. Then come back & get to communicating with people.

Ok, Ok, I am done now.
Have a wonderful day,
Sheryl Loch ~ allmylovecrafts

Flag of Steven Suchar

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12/21/2007 9:08:17 PM
Hi Marilyn...Peace Be With You :)


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