
Who is John Charles?

John Charles

John Charles
Member SinceMonday, November 20, 2006
Last ActivityWednesday, December 15, 2010
LocationMarkham, Ontario, Canada Canada
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About Me
About Me
Thank you for the visit. My Name is John Charles, I live in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. I enjoy Network Marketing, because it is the most ethical way to build wealth. It is not perfect, nothing is.We have bad people in all walk of life. Now we have Cyber Criminals who makes their living by the most hideous acts on the internet. They invade your privacy, they would clean your Bank account and transfer it to some unknown off shore bank. Steal your Identity.Use your computer in criminal activities without you knowing about it, until the Police come knocking at your door. Every Computer user is at risks. The FBI said 1 in 4 computers will be attacked by these criminals this year. They will infect your computer with spyware, key loggers and other form of malware, in spite he fact that you are using products like Norton Anti-Virus, McAfee Anti-Virus, Adware and Microsoft Anti-Spyware. Invisusdirect is the pioneer and is leading the way with their comprehensive security protection;Small Businesses and Home computers. They offer:- PC security service includes initial checkup and cleanup, security software (award winning protection) used by major corporations. Automatic daily security updates and free upgrades to new software, unlimited expert service and support, $25,000 identity theft insurance - Simplify Your Life and Secure Your Lifestyle for Just 49 cents a day. For more information, see my website:"> They give you a peace of mind. You save money and other benefits by not having to worry about viruses, not having to take your computer to the shop which will cost you several hundreds of dollars to clean and service. I hope everyone of you will see the benefit and make use of the service and opportunity. Your computer is under attack several times a day. Protect yourself, Family, Friends and your downline before The Internet Predators Strike at Home. Cyberhood watch is a movement sponsored by Invisus direct that anyone can become involved in and help make a real difference starting in their own Home and their Community. As Part of an important nationwide project, families, co-workers, business owners and organizations of all types are now helping people become aware of the dangers and learn what they can do to stay safe. href="">  
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Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (12/9/2009 10:13:25 PM) : Happy Birthday
Joyce Jeanbaptiste - (5/31/2008 9:55:29 PM) : I like Health alternatives energy drink, it is better than Red Bull.
John Charles - (5/31/2008 9:55:29 PM) : Hello Joyce,
Thanks very much for checking out my website. I am glad to see someone who knows a great product when they see one and knowledgeable enough to give such a high rating. To expand a bit re the comparison with the competition. Drink Act has no caffeine, 5 % of sugar which is from stevia which make safe for diebetics to take, and many other healthy ingredience. chech it out
Thanks again.
Phillip Black - (3/11/2008 8:20:18 PM) : Hi John,

Just stopped by to say Thanks for allowing me to be part of your Circle of Friends here at Adland. I visited your Invisus Direct site and I must say I was quite impressed. Thanks for providing such a Valuable Service. Wishing you continued success.

Thanks Again,

John Charles - (3/11/2008 8:20:18 PM) : Hi Phil,
Thanks Phil, you are very generous.
but I do appreciated it. I am going to rate you at the max. Why? because of your professionalism and of course the closing of your email to me had the revolving graphic design " Thank you for being my friend"
This is something that will stick in my memory,
that was the intent, wasn't it?
Thanks again,
John Charles
Terenc Holleran - (10/28/2007 7:53:35 AM) : Cracking mall site
John Charles - (10/28/2007 7:53:35 AM) : Hi Terenc,
Thank you for your rating.
However, I've just started to air another program. The Mall is still my baby.
Jacquelin Laborde - (9/20/2007 11:02:38 AM) : Hello John!
How are you going?
Great to see you are a friend at Adlandpro.
And what about your Business? I hope you
already upgraded on Gold membership to take profit from Adlandpro.
Ok Good job!
Hear you soon.
jacquelin Laborde
John Charles - (9/20/2007 11:02:38 AM) : Hi Jacquelin,
Thank you very much for those nice words. I have just upgraded to Gold membership. I hope you'll get the commissions on it.
Have a great day .
By the way check out my new website and get involve. It is a great product, great management and endorsed by people and center of great creditability and integrity.
Hope to see you there. We also have a great Team to help and support everyone. Our mission "No one get left behind".


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