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Re: God`s Gift of Love
8/23/2009 6:32:11 AM
Is The Bible True? If you go to the site: you will get live links to these sites....... Is the Bible true? If the Bible is indeed what it claims to be, the implications for us are considerable. The Bible candidly claims to be "given by inspiration of God.” Of course, the Bible isn’t the only book to claim divine inspiration, but it’s unique in that it offers substantial evidence to back its claims. Check out the claims and the evidence here! Biblical Inspiration: Investigate seven problem texts cited by Ehrman in the book Misquoting Jesus. Do the affect key doctrines of the faith? Old Testament Law: Do Old Testament laws continue to bind Christians today? Read this response to Sam Harris by RC Metcalf. Teachings of Jesus: What was Jesus’ response to the Old Testament Law? Does it point the way to forgiveness and salvation from sin? Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy: Could the Gospel writers have told the story of Jesus’ life in such a way that it conformed to Old Testament prophecy? History of Israel Video: Randall Niles looks at the ancient prophecies of Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah in light of current events in the Jewish state of Israel. Misquoting Jesus: Read a response to Bart Ehrman’s book Misquoting Jesus. Study some Greek variants that lead to his conclusion on textual criticism. Introduction To The Bible: So many of us think we've read the Bible, but when it comes down to it, we really haven't. Is The Bible True?: What does 100% fulfilled prophecy have to do with the origin of the Bible? Messianic Prophecy: Take a look at the collection of prophecies from the Jewish Scriptures that tell of a coming Redeemer. Petra: Find info on this stunning location – the history, the purpose. What is it used for today? Bible Prophecies Fulfilled: A look at some Bible Prophecies Fulfilled in history, including the Decree of Cyrus, City of Tyre, and City of Samaria. New Testament Archaeology: The evidence shows that the people, places and events were accurately represented in the biblical accounts. Nothing denies the historical record. 10 Commandments: Until recently, the public display of God's ethical standards wasn't an issue. Why now? All About Archaeology: Learn about the people who analyze ancient cultures through artifacts, inscriptions, and other remains. What biblical finds have these people discovered? Bible Translations: Study the five major translations and the history of each. Why are there so many versions of the Bible? Septuagint: Why is thise Greek translation of the Jewish Bible so important to textual accuracy today? Bible Truth?: Why is the holy book any different than the others? Check out the reliability of the ancient writers and manuscripts. Bible Prophecy: Take a hard, calculated look at some of the biblical prophecies that are connected to verifiable history. Check them out! Origin of the Bible Video: You have to see this short video clip on ancient manuscripts and how they were created! Check out how many manuscripts of the New Testament have been found! It will blow your mind! Basics of Archaeology Video: Stream this short video clip now. What are the basics of biblical archaeology? Is archaeology just treasure hunting or compelling evidence for truth? Bible Prophecy: Daniel 11:1-19 predicts a concise history, detailing the Near East, from Alexander the Great to Antiochus the Great. Bible Origin: What's the history of the biblical canon? How did men choose the books they thought were from God? Biblical Prophecy: A perfect test for inspiration outside the dimension of time. Take a look at some predictions from the Old Testament. History Of The Bible: An ancient collection of writings, comprised of 66 separate books, written over approximately 1,600 years, by at least 40 distinct authors. Bible Contradictions: A systematic approach to reviewing the various lists of alledged inaccuracies in the Bible. Bible Codes: Is there a special message system incorporated into the Bible that reveals its supernatural origin? Israel Archaeology: Discover the evidence for the early Israelites, including the Merneptah Stele, Shishak Relief, Moabite Stone, and House of David Inscription. Josephus: His records of history during the period of the Roman Empire shed remarkable light on the early church. Biblical Archaeology: Archeology wasn't even a "soft" science prior to the 19th century -- it was merely treasure hunting conducted by self-seeking opportunists. Ancient Mesopotamia: How about the early cities of Abraham and the Patriarchs? Did they really exist? Check out Abraham's ancestral home of Ur. Gospel Of Luke: Having carefully investigated all of these accounts from the beginning, I have decided to write a careful summary for you. Christian Persecution: Martyrdom is a powerful testimony for a religion founded on an historical event. Check out why here. Bible Archaeology: A summary look at many of the archaeological finds throughout the Middle East. Ark Of The Covenant: Mystical object or historical artifact? A temporary covering for Israel's sins. A foreshadowing of true forgiveness through the coming Messiah. All About Truth: What evidence do prophecy and archaeology give to the authenticity of the Bible? How can we really know if it contains truth? Churches of Revelation Video: Stream this short video clip from ColdWater Media on the incredible seven churches of Revelation. This Rocks! Seven Churches in Revelation: Do the seven churches of Revelation refer to literal churches? If so, do they also have spiritual significance for churches and believers today? Watch these short video clips! Ancient Israel: The ancient city of Jerusalem, dating to the time of King David's initial conquest, was recently discovered and excavated. Origin Of The Bible: A look at the people, places and cultures underlying the collection of texts we call the Bible. King James Bible: A precise and rhythmic translation designed for oral teaching and use by the masses. History Of Israel: A look at biblical history and how the people of Israel were established as a nation. Bible Manuscripts: When compared to other ancient writings, the Bible stands alone as the best-preserved literary work of all antiquity. Biblical Archaeology: The Bible proves credible again and again as archaeologists uncover corroberating artifacts. Holy Bible: A review of the Bible's contents and origin. A look at the authors and cultures of the time. Christian Prophecy: Were the Messianic prophecies of the Jewish Scriptures truly fulfilled in the 1st century accounts of Jesus? Saint Luke: One of the greatest archaeologists of all time was Sir William Ramsay. He called Luke an historian of the first rank. Power Of Prophecy: No human being has ever made predictions which hold any comparison to those we have considered, and had them accurately come true. Bible Translations: Exciting stories, war strategy, foreign intrigue – What else could anyone want from an ancient "religious book?” Read it for yourself! Gospel Of John: Recent discoveries support the accuracy of John's writings. What compelled these men to write and defend such profound historical events? Who Wrote The Bible: What's the true background of this collection of ancient texts? Israel History: The history of Israel includes military campaigns of Assyrian king Sennacherib as recorded on the Taylor Prism and the Lachish Reliefs. Dead Sea Scrolls: A huge find in our own generation. Textual criticism of the biblical text has been revolutionized. Bible Contradictions: To be fair, I knew I needed to analyze my list of alleged Bible errors according to traditional rules of logic and reason. Importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls Video: What does this discovery mean to the integrity of the ancient scriptures? Why are the Dead Sea Scrolls so important? Stream this short video and dig deeper now! History of the Rosetta Stone Video: Why are Egyptian Hieroglyphics so important to Biblical Studies? Have Egyptian artifacts impacted the integrity of the Jewish scriptures? Click to watch this short video stream now! Is the Bible True Video: What does the evidence of history, archaeology, and prophecy reveal about Biblical inspiration, trustworthiness, and authenticity? You gotta watch this short video clip. Bible Truth Video: What does the evidence of history, archaeology, and prophecy reveal about Biblical inspiration, trustworthiness, and authenticity? Tabgha Video: A View of the Sea of Galilee above Tabgha. Randall Niles looks out from the hillside where the masses listened to Jesus teach. Kidron Valley Video: Randall Niles looks up at the Golden Gate on the Temple Mount of Ancient Jerusalem. Galilee Boat Video: Randall Niles visits the restored first century find known as the Jesus Boat on the Sea of Galilee in Israel. Petra the Ancient City: What is the significance of this city of ancient times? Why is it one of the wonders of the world? Find out here. Qumran Caves Video: The Caves at Qumran above the Dead Sea in Israel. Randall Niles views Cave 4 at Qumran, discovered in 1952. This is one of the famous caves where the Essenes hid the Jewish Scriptures during the first century. City of Petra: Who were these people and what are they known for? What did they bring to history and society? Sea of Galilee Video: Randall Niles scans the shoreline near Ancient Genesar Harbor during a major drought in 2008. Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit Video: Randall Niles visits the Israel Museum in Jerusalem where many of the Dead Sea Scrolls are stored, including the Great Isaiah Scroll. Tel Dan Video: Randall Niles explores the ancient stronghold of northern Israel at the headwaters of the Dan Spring just below Mount Hermon. Moral Ethics Video: Randall Niles examines the conflicting concepts of moral relativism and universal truth as they are applied by many people today. Bible Archaeology Video: Randall Niles goes on a journey from Treasure Hunting to Soft Science. Temple Mount Video: Randall Niles views the Temple Mount of Ancient Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives across the Kidron Valley. Al Khazneh: What a beautiful site! What significance does this treasury have in history and legend? Find out here. Megiddo Video: Randall Niles explores Solomon's Gate entering ancient Megiddo just above the Jezreel Valley in Israel. Chorazin Video: Randall Niles stands in the ancient synagogue where Jesus taught above the Sea of Galilee in Israel. Dead Sea Scrolls Video: Randall Niles goes on location to tell the story of the Essenes and the ancient Jewish scriptures hidden in caves above the Dead Sea in Israel. Caesarea Philippi Video: Peter's Confession at Banias. Randall Niles looks at the biblical significance of Caesarea Philippi to Jesus and his disciples. Pontius Pilate Video: Randall Niles reads from Pilate's dedication stone to Tiberias at Caesarea on the Mediterranean Sea in Israel. Prayer Home | About Us | Support Us | FAQ | FAQ 2 | Sitemap Copyright © 2002 - 2009, All Rights Reserved.
Re: God`s Gift of Love
8/24/2009 1:38:51 AM
Today another God`s Gift of Love has fruitioned in my Life! And another prayer has dbeen answered!!!! God has offered to answer the prayers of his children. He asks us to take any concerns to him in prayer and he will act upon it according to his will. As we deal with difficulties we are to cast our cares on him and receive from him a peace that defies the circumstances. The basis for our hope and faith is the character of God himself. The better we know him, the more apt we are to trust him. Today I want to Rejoice and Praise God, that my 16 yr old Grandson was Baptized.thru his father(My son) He was also baptized when he was a baby....... So I Praise God that one of my important prayer has been answered. Baptism“Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” Baptism is a holy ordinance through which we covenant with the Lord to accept Jesus as our Savior and to keep His commandments. In return, God promises to forgive us of our sins as we repent and to bless us with His Spirit. Ephesians 4:4-6 - “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23). A Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving: Thank you for Watching over my child, dear Lord. Thank you for Giving him love for the beauty of the world you have made. Thank you for Giving him love for the family and friends. Thank you for Giving him love for the stranger in his midst. And above all,Thank You for giving him love for you, and that he knows you,And for his Salvation Help him to continually Serve you,unendingly unto eternity And glorify you, and honor you in all his doings...... In Jeus name we pray ...... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RE: God`s Gift of Love
8/29/2009 9:20:24 AM


Turn to Galatians 5:22-25. Love is the very first fruit mentioned as a Fruit of God’s Holy Spirit. This love is a gift given “because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, which is given to us (Romans 5:5).” II Timothy 1:7 says “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” So, there is a love that is deeper than the physical! Read through the entire chapter of I Corinthians 13. This chapter is referred to as “The Love Chapter.” Verses 1-3 tell us that the gifts of prophecy, faith, tongues, knowledge and sacrifice all are worthless without the additional spiritual gift of love. Continuing on in verses 4-7, spiritual love is characterized as 1) longsuffering, 2) kind, 3) does not envy, 4) not boastful and proud, 5) behaves not unseemly or inappropriate, 6) seeks not out for oneself, 7) is not easily provoked, 8) doesn’t think evil of others, 9) rejoices in the truth and not in the sins of others, 10) bears all things in mercy, 11) believes in others, 12) hopes, 13) endures and 14) never falters or fails. You can describe this love as out flowing love and concern for another. How would you rate yourself in these areas? Spend some time and meditate on this. The end of this chapter puts this love in perspective: "and now abides faith, hope and charity [love], these three; but the greatest of these is charity [love]” (verse 13).
RE: God`s Gift of Love
8/30/2009 12:54:04 PM


Every religion in this world 


cannot be right about God. All of them can’t be true. The very

definition of “truth” cries out that only one thing can be true.

Only one way can be God’s way. This is a great dilemma for


If the Catholics are right in what they teach, then all the

Protestant churches are wrong. If a particular Protestant group is

right, then the Catholics are wrong, and so is every other

Protestant group. If Judaism is true, then all Christianity is false.

If Islam is true, then Judaism and Christianity are false.

Only   one way  can be genuine!

Do you see the  dilemma?  

If the Pharisees were right,in the time of christ,then theSadducees were wrong, and vise-versa.

But Jesus Christ made it very clear both were wrong 

only God can make the truth prevail. We are at the very time when God is doing exactly that! , God is in the process of bringing the world into one order, away from the control of man’s self-rule. Through the process of end-time

As Christians we have to love one another, As the ending of the world coming closer, we only have time to Praise God and Pray for eachother and our loved ones and continually plead for mercy ,to renew and refresh our minds and guide us and guard us thru all calamities of this world and so that we attain Salvation, and have fruit of the spirit and wisdom and understanding and to uphold us until His Second coming!



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