"For unto us a child is born... and His name shall be called wonderful,Counselor,The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The prince of Peace" Isaiah 9:6 To Christians The Joy of Christmas is not limited to His birth. It is built even more on the triumph of His death and resurrection, that gave meaning to His Birth.. The mysterious spirit of generosity which possesses us at Christmas is the after glow of calvary. the fact of the cross illuminates this day and hallows it. As we exchange our gifts, they are symbolic of the unspeakable gift of God`s Love. we should quietly give simple gifts that are expressions of our love and devotion to the recipients. How much money could be saved and invested in God`s kingdom by thousands of Christian families every year if the true meaning of Christmas was observed. To all my friends Warm wishes for a Glorious Christmas and a wonderful year with Jesus. The secret of Glorious Life.... To walk hand in hand with the savior. To talk with Him often each day, To give Him your life because He gave you His, And simply- to trust and obey. With Love nimi