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Dimitra Bravou

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Re: What does Christmas mean to you and Les Enfants Oublies?
12/21/2007 12:35:53 PM
Hello Sarah,

Sorry I'm late here, I was offline for some days.

I like your new forum, it's the Christmas spirit we all now have in mind.


My best wishes for Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.



Sarah Pritchard

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Re: What does Christmas mean to you and Les Enfants Oublies?
12/21/2007 2:50:05 PM
Bonjour Dimitra,

I seem to have been following you around today.

Thank you for your Christmas wishes and hugs.

They are returned with enthusiasm!

ps I hope your pussy cat is okay after your move.
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Beef Sloan

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Re: What does Christmas mean to you and Les Enfants Oublies?
12/21/2007 2:57:13 PM
Hi Sara,
What a wonderful Thread...
Charistmas is All about Love and Giving as I see it...

God Gave us the Greatest Gift of all!


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Re: What does Christmas mean to you and Les Enfants Oublies?
12/21/2007 3:54:29 PM

Sarah, Queen POTW!!  Here I come again and this time bringing the poem I have been searching for.  Got lost in my litter around here.  Just a different take on Christmas from the 70's.

The Joy of Christmas


I got my Christmas tree up

The lights wouldn’t work

Made some snow out of soap

Boy, was I a dope!


It just strung and dripped, wouldn’t stick.

The candles I made look sick.

Sprinkled some glitter on them though

Most of it went on the floor.


I haven’t given up, bless my heart.

Look!   One of the candles just fell apart.

Oh well, I’m one candle less.

Would you, oh would you, look at this mess!

I’ll just put this wreath on the door

Who could ask for more.  (I could, but I’m afraid to.)

Hung the stockings by the chimney with care,

Any other way, I don’t dare.


The mistletoe, I hung in the hall

I’ll be lucky it doesn’t fall.

Strung some holly ‘round the room,

Got to hurry, Christmas will be here soon.

Let’s see, what’s left to do?

A glance around the room tells me I’m through.

Through!  I’m finished!  No more for me.

Next year we won’t even have a tree!


It’s getting late, but someone’s at the door.

I’ve counted five already, and there’s more.

Merry Christmas!  They’re wishing me.

My, they say, what a lovely tree!


It’s cold out there, come on in, all of you.

I’ll put some coffee on to brew.

The candles are delightful and there’s mistletoe.

Did you ever see such a pretty tree all aglow?


I have cake and coffee, some eggnog, too.

You’d like some nuts, oh yes, please do.

There are oranges and apples to take along

But before you leave let’s have a song.


My, that was nice, I feel warm inside.

It’s a time to be jolly, if I tried.

What were the words to the carol they sung?

Something about bells that rung.

I have the spirit; I do believe the time is here.

Yes, it’s that time of year.

Holiday Spirit and lots of good cheer.

To all of you, a Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year!!


Sara Gardner Blow ©1977


Poet’s Note:  This poem has been published in several newspapers and read extensively.  We hope you enjoy it as well.





Phillip Black

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Re: What does Christmas mean to you and Les Enfants Oublies?
12/21/2007 6:56:41 PM

Hello Sarah,

I just came across this and guess who came to mind.

Have A Joyous Christmas,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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