Hello folks,
One of my missions is to remind people about the forgotten children on our Planet Earth and to help our forgotten children. Spare a thought for them and send them some positive energy. They will feel it, even if they don't know where it has come from.
On this line of thought I would like to bring your attention to UNICEF. This organization does a great deal to help the forgotten children, les enfants oubliés in our world.
I set up a Pritchard Family UBIEE Vortex in aid of UNICEF. As a Christmas present to my children, I made a One Time Contribution for each of them in the vortex. This means that I have given them a Christmas gift that will never stop giving, because once you make a one time contribution you stay in the system. UNICEF and the forgotten children will receive this never ending gift too.
I also set up a Cause on Facebook to bring people's attention to this fundraiser and to encourage people to make a One Time Contribution in the vortex.
I invite you to join the cause, if you have not already, by clicking HERE!
Now that brings me to the point of this posting. I was asked how to make a contribution, by someone who joined the cause. So here follows some quick step by step instructions:
This is a screenshot of the header on the Pritchard Family in Aid of UNICEF vortex page, as part of the UBIEE ENVIRO Project.
1) You see "Contribution" in the right hand corner. Click on "Contribution."
2) On the next page, scroll down to the "Signup Here" Form. Fill in your relevant details.
3) Check the green One Time Contribution.
4) Select the payment method and enter the validation code:
5) Click GO TO NEXT STEP to put in your payment details.
That is it. You will receive confirmation and login details and the URL to share with others to encourage them to help the environment and UNICEF.
If you make a one time contribution to this vortex for yourself or a loved one, you will be helping UNICEF and the forgotten children. At the same time you will be setting up an ongoing residual income for yourself or the person on whose behalf you make the contribution. You may even like to do a contribution on behalf of a charity or for a fundraiser. There are a number of possibilities.
Here is the link for the vortex: http://ubiee.com/enviro/?tag=pritchardinaidofUNICEF
Thank you for supporting the Pritchard family in aid of UNICEF fundraising vortex cause.
It is appreciated. Please invite your friends to support the cause and to join the vortex.
Angel cuddles,