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12/13/2007 10:34:04 PM

Hi Ms Jill:

uh...rabbit in alice in wonderland.....very cool....

remember this guy....hehehe.... :)


12/14/2007 4:58:06 AM

This following was sent in by Matt W. from the University of Chicago. It is not necessarily the view of TGAMM or its management, but we thought it was worth printing, and certainly food for thought.

The stance that marijuana is a dangerous drug of abuse is a superficial propaganda for the masses. Marijuana was made illicit in 1937 to remove a threat to the new synthetic fibers made by the Dupont Company. The useful hemp fibers can grow to lengths of 6 meters, are very strong and were a threat to the success of Dupont.

If we are to consider health factors, then why do we legalize dangerous drugs such as alcohol and tobacco, both of which are very lethal. We can’t make people stop using things they want to use just by passing a law. (Look what happened during 'Prohibition').

The drug "trade" is now the single largest money operation in the U.S. economy and the money it generates is used to see that the laws will not change. I was recently told by a professor that the current value of the U.S. drug trade is estimated at around $600 billion dollars. The only real function making a drug illegal is to create a “black market”, otherwise known as 'money-for-nothing'.

Marijuana isn't even important to those in the 'big money drug trade', except for maintaining the 'wall of prohibition'. It isn't a question of what's good for you or what's bad for you. Alcohol gives us a perfect example of this hypocrisy. I’ve seen more college students in an alcohol induced stupor than any from marijuana -- which appears to just mellow people out (and both are very available on campus).

The money paid for drugs is not based on the real value of the drugs themselves, but on the risk of transport, which in turn is the result of the law. This present us with an economic crisis of enormous impact, as a person with no skills or education can have a tax-free income greater than that of the highest paid individual in the entire industrial world. Such a situation destroys the basis of modern society, which is the assumption that a person is rewarded in direct relation to their contribution to the economic whole. The “war” on some drugs is not about drugs at all, but about money and the continued centralization of economic and political control.”

Thank you for letting me express myself. - Matt W., University of Chicago, USA, Age 20

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12/14/2007 10:25:56 AM

Good one Jill.

I nearly stayed down the hole but a hunger to express forced me out.

Isn't it great that we are all different.

Neil, Thanks for your comments. All the time that there are those concerned enough to consider the cases for and against we will make considered decisions on the back of our knowlege.

A brave forum which deserves 10 times the postings but that fence is very comfortable for so many.

Keep caring.


Flag of Jim Allen

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12/14/2007 12:00:21 PM

Hello Friends!

I believe in less government and more personal freedoms.  I also believe that everyone forgets that our President was addicted to chemicals both legal and illegal.  It has been well documented and the proof is in your research, should you choose to clear the smoke screen. (No Pun Intended)

I have been posting in Nan's Forum on this topic and overlooked this lively discussion.  But, I is here now!  Believe you me, I do have an opinion on this and want to remind you all of the following.

Before the PROHIBITION on WEED.  As far back as the times of Captain John Smith and Jamestown even during the times of this countries Declaration of Independence.  HEMP has been a very versatile, profitable, spiritual and medicinal plant, given to us all by our Almighty God.  It is praised for its medicinal and spiritual qualities for all the hypocritical Bible thumpers out there.  Seek and ye shall find the truth....

With that said I have brought my posts here as this discussion is enlightening and educational.  Neil Sperling has hit the nail on the head.  It is a personal choice, that should not be legislated against, period.  Big BUSINESS and governmental corruption is at the root of this controversial topic.

It is all that.  We allow folks to abuse alcohol, which has destroyed so many lives and family, BUT , It's Legal to do that.  Marijuana isn't any more habitual than alcohol.  Both are Medicinal when used for that purpose.

As a CASH CROP!  I cannot wait till it is legalized.  All this emphasis on renewable energy sources perplexes me.  As the reason for corn, sugar, soybeans and beets all being used to produce ethanol.  We eat these foods and we are now allowing pressure for a solution, to cause our foods to increase in cost VERY Dramatically, so that some refinery owner or investor can become rich.

Marijuana is also high in cellulose content, is very renewable, and is an excellent rotation crop for replenishing the soils we grow our food in.  By legalizing all forms of this weed called HEMP there is so much that could be overcome. 

The BENEFITS of this Cannabis are extolled in the bible and used by many for spiritual and medicinal reasons.  It relieves Montel Williams MS, relaxes Bill Mahr and could power our vehicles.  This is one of the most virtuous and useful plants on the planet.

We allow folks to get and become drunks.  Why can't we all get Stoned, if we choose to?  Stoners are dependable, proven fact.  Drunks aren't.  Stoners seldom start ruckuses.  Drunks almost always do.  It really makes no sense to me.

Hey Nan, it's 4:20 somewhere in 45 minutes.  Let's support our cause!


I respect you as a friend and applaud you for battling YOUR ADDICTION.  Just because you are an addict does not mean this plant is a bad thing at all.  It is because you have a weakness and you have faced that I hope.

Do not support legislation against something good because of your personal weaknesses.

We are gradually legalizing gambling even though gamblers have been known to ruin their lives and the lives of others.  Alcohol has destroyed many more lives than any other addiction, Are YOU for prohibition too.

Your addiction has been faced and I applaud you for that.  But you cannot use your weaknesses to legislate others.



I did mean to comment on the picture of the plant.

A very NICE ONE by the way.  A very nice strain.

Now, I may owe you an apology for being very stern and I may have misinterpreted your statement.  If that is the case I do apologize.

I agree the power, was misused and the local government.  They broke it's pact with the people that mandated that iniative.  Much like our current Federal Government has.  Truth is the "war on Drugs" was started by the man that took Elliott Nest's position as a way to create a name for himself and get at the people with the means to get the illicit goods to the street.  People with connections, money, and able to mobilize such mechanisms as ships, planes and trains.

These drugs don't come into the country by handfuls which is what they have turned this so called War on.  They have failed to secure our borders, shipyards and airports.  There are millions of containers coming into ports through out the US, that never get inspected.  Who controls these inspections, who runs the shipyards?  These are the true criminals and should be sought out and prosecuted to the same extent as the street level person.  Many of whom has no other choice to earn a decent living.  Because our government has failed us terribly, in many ways.

Our public educations system is a joke.  The job market is now a joke unless you wish to become some kind of servant to the upper crust of this country.

We need representation as framed by our forefathers and the founders of this country.  The US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence provides the framework and the laws.  Which are abused by this current government everyday.  Especially the Executive Branch.

Now, I may owe you an apology for being very stern and I may have misinterpreted your statement.  If that is the case I do apologize.


PS: I believe and many of my friends, also believe my brain and brain cells are all in perfect working order.  What do you think?  Is it 4:20 Time yet?

Roger, you sir are wrong, end of story.  Your credentials may be valid but your statements are based on personal feelings, as opposed to fact.

Kathleen, I am as patriotic as any and deserve the same freedoms as anyone else that resides here in the USA.  Glibness does not solve the problem.   My family has a long military history, thus allowing you the right to your opinions and glibness.  Thanks for  sharing them.

As an adult, if you drink, you are setting an example to your children, as you would with any other DRUG!  Period.  If you do anything in excess, it is harmful to your body, and not condoned in The Book we all believe to be a truthful compilation of fact.  If it is there it must be of the spirit and condoned by our spiritual leader.

I am a child of the late sixties and seventies as many of us here.  I graduated High School in 1975, so you can do the math and know the culture, that I was raised in and you all represent a cross section of my peers.

When I drank often and always more than in excess, as when I inundated my body with illicit and man made chemicals, and even when I snorted the caine (a derivative of a plant that is often chewed by Shaman) a processed form of another misunderstood plant and under used plant.  I was much like your descriptions, even Richard's.

However, cannabis has caused non of the afflictions shared in this forum thus far.  It relieves pain that no other drug can relieve without side effects.  It tempers highly aggressive types, it helps with depression and more, the list is quite long and documented. 

YET, unrecognized by the community as such.  Propagated by a CAMPAIGN OF FEAR!  As in "Reefer Madness" which is laughable representation of FACT!

I love and respect all of you and pray that before you condemn, legislate against and snub your noses.  That you seek the truth and real facts with regards to this topic.

Respectfully Sincere, Compassionate and with Passion, I thank TGAMM and staff for this forum and Pray for all my friends, here. 

That they are enlightened and educated, before giving up another Individual Freedom in the name of Truth, Justice, Protectionism and Fear.  We are guaranteed the pursuit of happiness.  Seek yours.

As an DGOTW recipient, Profile of the Day Honoree, 74th Parade of Stars Honoree and always, forthright, ethical, moral and your friend.  I respect your right to disagree, but it makes neither of us right or wrong.  Or does it?




May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Neil Sperling

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12/14/2007 12:47:48 PM
Here is a GREAT picture for everyone who is following this thread and NOT posting their comments!

Love Light and Laughter

Neil Sperling


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