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12/12/2007 6:20:46 PM


All of these posts here are certainly educational.

What we should do is promote this forum and invite others to join in.

For myself, I read an article some years ago that stated that the only reason the US government made pot illegal was because the DOW chemical company realized that it could become a huge cash crop, and they lobbied to have it (pot) classified as a dangerous substance and on the same list along with heroin. I am sure that anyone with half a brain and can see that this was seeded in ignorance.

Should anyone find out more about " this reefer madness, please, by all means, list it here.

===> I found this quote <===

 " Pot slows down reality just enough to have me realize that I was high already . :)

Sounds like that " dumb down " comment listed above ;)


12/12/2007 8:25:16 PM
Hello Marilyn,

That is indeed a very controversial subject.  I myself feel that it should be legalized.
So many youth are doing it because they're getting away with it, and it makes them feel good about it, the law didn't catch them. If it was that dangerous why would it be prescribed by some doctors? I think that a lot of polititians have a monopoly on it and are filling there pockets, therefore it won't be legallized. Potheads have not killed as the drunk drivers have. It is just my opinion.

God Bless

God Bless Everyone
12/12/2007 11:42:04 PM
Hi Trina,

Just because alcohol is legal, you would like to see another evil legalized. I don't understand that argument of yours.

Have you seen what Marijuana does to people's minds..... they go completely crazy. They become irrational and violent and often get into fights which, in this country, mostly end up with knife wounds and even fatalities. Have you seen the devastating results of someone who is "high" on it or what it does to people's lungs.

You say you don't know of anyone who has died from it..... believe me it kills. Users whither away while the drug - and it IS a drug- takes over their minds and body. I have seen it happen, time and again.

Further to that, it hardly ever stays just with Marijuana....soon it doesn't satisfy the user's cravings, and they turn to hard drugs. You cannot argue away the fact that it is addictive. It is addictive and destructive.

I think there are already way too many harmful products that are "legal", not to add another one.

It is beyond my understanding that you can even suggest that the good in it out weighs the evil and destruction it can cause. I know there are some schools of thought that it has medicinal powers, but so does that legal? Anything can have good qualities, but one has to weigh the pros and cons, and decide whether it is worth the risk of having masses of people destroy themselves on a "legal" drug just because the authorities say it is OK. Because it has "medicinal" qualities.

I am actually shocked that somebody who likes to put positive thoughts out every day can make a statement the because of alcohol being legal, this should even be a concideration.

I am against the destruction, be it self inflicted or not, of the human race.

Hyla Weimann Skype ID: hymagw Read my blog: to discover how I use xSky to build a responsive targeted listand how I get paid for sharing free things with ThatFreeThing My Google Profile:
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12/13/2007 12:17:51 AM

OMG - Based on your comments it is easy to see you really know nothing about this topic at all........ NOTHING!

Your Quote

"Have you seen what Marijuana does to people's minds..... they go completely crazy. They become irrational and violent and often get into fights which, in this country, mostly end up with knife wounds and even fatalities. Have you seen the devastating results of someone who is "high" on it or what it does to people's lungs."

Has ZERO truth!

Your comment that "it often leads to other drugs" - is the only thing you got correct. The question with that comment is "what emotional problems does that individual have that he/she is trying to escape life though substance abuse?"

The Violence you talk about - may be a part of the drug trade...... but that is another reason to legalize it.... the drug trade would then not have to be underground as it is now!

Maybe this is more than my two cents - as I stated in my first post - personally I do not condone nor condemn pot use. Chemically created drugs (pharmecuticles) are a far greater threat to mankind than a Hemp plant!

Hyla- It would pay you to study the many uses for the plant. I've heard the Dow story before..... also the lumber industry wanted it made illegal as Hemp makes better paper than wood and is far faster plant as re-newable resources.

Hemp Fibers can be used in upholstery, clothing, ropes and canvass.
Hemp oil is a potent Omega 3 essential oil "good for the body".

It is the THC - that when smoked (or heated and eaten)  creates an altered state of awareness...... but then so does coffee and the caffeine in a soda pop.

Please Hyla- do a little home work........ pot smokers are more liable to go to sleep than pull out a knife or a gun.


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12/13/2007 12:44:30 PM


Although I agree that Hyla's comments are not STRICTLY accurate I understand what she is saying.

My experience shows that the common problem caused over time is paranoia and that in itself leads to behavioral problems.




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