Hey Mary,
Thanks for coming by and proving all the points I made.
I have been party to the program since it's inception 15 months ago, however, I reserved my promotions for other venues. Parvis is a Great networker and will be an awesome sponsor for all that choose to pay to play. :-)
I really enjoyed watching you hone your skills while campaigning for POTW a few weeks ago. First time I have ever seen someone campaign for an award of honor here. In their own behalf.
You won! Yeeehaaa!
Time here should not bear on whom you are willing to communicate with, I am surprised that you would make such a statement. Do you really believe that being in this community for so many years gives you some special status? That is less than I expected from you Mary.
The fact that your advertising in this community has been ineffective shows that maybe, you are going about this in the wrong way or, you haven't got the opportunity folks are interested in joining up with you.
As for spending big bucks on sites and opportunities, I have made many such investments some good most bad. When I was a newbie I was enticed by great copy and hypnotic copywriting. However I learned much from these mistakes and failures and now I try to steer people clear of such opportunities. But what does this have to do with this issue?
In your recent posts I see and feel very negative vibes and this may be the issue.
Perhaps you should try and be more positive in your posts. Or perhaps go back to what was working for you helping others learn the ins and outs of ALP.
I do wish you the best of luck and much success.