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Peter Fogel

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Attitude-Education & You
12/6/2007 1:48:39 AM

Hi Friends,


Those of you that know me for a while know that I'm a staunch believer in education, learning and gaining knowledge from every source available. It is my opinion and belief that we are on a constant learning curve and those that think and believe they know it all are simply treading water if not sinking. Those that are constantly learning will inevitably be the successful ones.


There is no doubt that events and life are constantly changing and we have to insure that despite the changes we learn how to live with them but not be changed by them.  We must make an effort to improve ourselves in light of the changes taking place around us.


What does attitude have to do with all the above??? The answer is quite simple though multi leveled.


Attitude is the cause of almost all of our actions. With the proper attitude we will take positive as opposed to negative actions in almost every thing we do.


Attitude will decide if we read that important article or not.  Attitude will decide if we keep on trying or give up, tell the truth, act, blame others for our failures, get ahead and the list goes on and on. With the proper attitude we decide many important issues that govern whether we succeed in life or not.


What makes Man unique amongst all other living forms is the ability to think and choose. With the proper attitude our choices and thinking process will be tuned to getting ahead. Failure is not a sign of a bad attitude. Failure simply means that you tried and didn't succeed THIS TIME. With the proper attitude and positive thought you will learn from your mistakes and do better next time. With a negative attitude you'll probably tell yourself that it was a waste of time and give up rather then learn from past errors that are simply stepping stones to your ultimate success. You will not find a successful person that didn't have failures on the path to success.


You can choose at any time to change your attitude and consequently your life. Taking positive action that will eventually lead you to a path of success. You can decide to make that change in attitude at any time. It is a conscious choice that you and only you can make; no one can make the change for you.


It's your decision whether you want to tread water and sink or realize your dreams and reach for the stars.


I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Peter Fogel  


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Sheryl Loch

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Re: Attitude-Education & You
12/6/2007 2:57:24 AM
Hello Peter,
You've written a great article!
I think that you should not consider something a failure unless you give up.
You should take the experience & maybe just change it around a bit & try again. But, if you sit & dwell on the negative you will soon find yourself engulfed in it. Some people just sit & wait for the "ball to drop". If that is what you are looking for I guarantee it will.
Pick out the positive, get up, & move on. Learn what you can & apply it!!
Leave the negative for someone else to step in. LOL!
Only you can improve yourself.
Sheryl Loch ~ allmylovecrafts

Pauline Raina

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Re: Attitude-Education & You
12/6/2007 3:08:36 AM
Hello Peter,

this is a great article, that you have written, I hope we do get to see more from where this came ! Knowing you I know we will !! :-)

I'd say a BIG Amen to this

It's your decision whether you want to tread water and sink or realize your dreams and reach for the stars.

Stars are definately my choice ;-)

Thank you for sharing.

much luv & talk to ya soon.

your friend

Re: Attitude-Education & You
12/6/2007 3:23:36 AM

Hello Peter ~

To put matters simply ...

"For things to change, you've got to change.  For things to get better, you've got to get better.  It's easy to do.  But it's easy not to do, too."

The quote above is from Jeff Olson's book, "The Slight Edge".  I recommend this book to every one of the network marketers I coach and mentor. 

Hope you have a very joyous holiday season!

Melanie Kissell

Creating Relationships and Vitality Everywhere

Beryl Payton

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Re: Attitude-Education & You
12/6/2007 3:37:51 AM

Hi Peter,

Great article.  I really enjoyed reading it.



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