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Jerome Pfeifer

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8/10/2005 9:42:58 AM
Hello Adland Friends, Jerome Pfeifer here, I am going to weigh in on this for the last time. Kathy,I don't care what people's concept of Truth is, if it is not the truth their concept is wrong.As truth cannot be divided,there are no two parts to truth. The other side of truth is a lie, it's like day and night. If someone has any other concept of truth it is fantasy. So concepts has no weight in truth. You all have a blessed day. Jerome
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising
Paul Davey

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8/10/2005 11:25:04 AM
Hi Kathy, OK what is truth and what is a lie? To me the truth is what some one genuinly belives in (to be the truth). A lie is when someone knows what the truth is, but wont for what ever reason tell it and makes up something else. My father always told me that you only lie to someone if you are frightend of them or the outcome. There is of course the little white lie where you dont tell the truth to someone for fear of upsetting them etc. However that white lie sometimes if not always backfires makeing it a big lie when the other person(whom you have been trying to protect from the truth)finds out the truth. Personally I have respect for everyone and I expect them to tell me the truth no mater how much it may hurt. If I am lied to then my respect for them goes out the window, and anything they tell me after that I take with a pinch of salt.
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Jerome Pfeifer

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8/10/2005 3:19:27 PM
Paul, I read a book about some people who had a concept of truth and beleived that their concept of the truth was right. So they got together and took truth and nailed it to the "Cross". Concepts of truth ain't truth, just that a concept. God Bless. Jerome
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising
8/11/2005 1:40:33 PM
Hi Jerome: I'm going to have to side with you on this one too. Unless something is absolutely black and white in nature, truth is subjective and often people's ideas of truth are convoluted and biased. For example, I had a girlfriend some time ago who I thought was one of the most beautiful women in the world at the time. I actually still do. She had a pretty smile, carried herself well, was intelligent in many ways and we always had a good time. I never considered her overweight. For me, the "TRUTH" was she was perfect. One night we happened to be out walking in the park. Some clown believed it necessary to relay his idea of the "TRUTH" of my girlfriend's appearance as he passed us. Needless to say, he ended up spitting up his teeth. I was furious. I believe there is truth yes, but it is one person's or a collective belief of truth. If you are asked to "Tell the truth" which I frequently am asked when someone needs advice or an opinion, I start my response with "The truth as I see it is..." and finish with "...but that may not necessarily be everyone else's opinion. Just mine" So yes Jerome, when you say concepts of truth ain't truth, just that a concept, I'm in full agreement...but that may not necessarily be everyone else's opinion. Just mine. *Grin* Michael
Kathy Hamilton

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8/11/2005 1:50:28 PM
Hello Michael, very nice to see you,It is a pleasure having you here with us,Thank you for your insight and wisdom,very nicely stated.Thanks Michael,kathy martin
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