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Nick Sym

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Are We Better (Nick)
11/28/2007 1:00:12 AM
Are We Better

What is it,
To be human?
Is it that we are not animal?
Not mineral?

Who's to say what is human?
Humans have only fear and doubt.
They cower in fortresses
Brought down by their own kind.
Wasteful, unmindful of others, furthering only their own greed.

If such is human,
Then I am an animal,
Gladly an animal.
To prowl the streets, searching for food
And using all that is nature to curb my every need, my every whim.

What is human?
To lie, steal, cheat.
To live life without really living.

I am an animal.
Born to run free and unfettered by rules or norms.

I am wild as mother earth
Whose only purpose is to exist.
And exist I shall.

I must thank My Little Sis, Jerilyn for this great idea - God Bless Sis !
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Lisa Lomas

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Re: Are We Better (Nick)
11/28/2007 1:18:43 AM

Thankyou Nick!
Thinking of visiting New Zealand. A must see is Hawkes Bay, Hastings.
Peter Fogel

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Re: Are We Better (Nick)
11/28/2007 1:34:05 AM

Hi Nick,

That was truly beautiful and so true.

It's not surprising to me that dog spelled backward is God. I hope no one is offended by the previous sentence since that's not my intention.

Here's one of my own showing perfect co-existence.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Re: Are We Better (Nick)
11/28/2007 1:36:02 AM

Hey Nick,

Cute post, I really like the first picture, it is tooo cute!!

The sad part of it is, all that is true. I wish I could be an animal, that way people would look at me and go "Oh how cuuuuute". LOL!!

Have a good day and Happy Holidays!!

Caitlinn Hagar ~ gamegirlracing

     My little boy dog Zed


My Little girl dog Tomarra

Peace Out


Jim Allen

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Re: Are We Better (Nick)
11/28/2007 2:17:11 AM

Hey Nick,

Isn't amazing how nature shows us ways to co exist but we are too vain to listen to some dumb animal?

Thanks for your insight.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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