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Re: Time Management
8/8/2005 4:59:20 PM
Hello Kenneth, Nice topic! I should say, get organized !! The most important thing you can do in your business is to get organized fast and take action. Without organized action, you can't make any real progress Motivation and encouragement are great but most people need a daily track to follow. In other words, after the motivation runs out, they better have a daily reminder telling them what the need to do to reach their income goals today, tomorrow, and the day after that! For home-based businesses, organization is doubly important. A good system can help set boundaries between home life and work life, giving more time to actually enjoy the freedom of being your own boss. Establish your priorities and set aside sufficient time.There is no correct organizational system. Your system needs to make sense to you. Complete One Section at a Time Think it would help: 1. ALWAYS keep your "date book" with you 2. Look at the "new day" first thing each morning. Put in any new ideas or thought down right then. 3 Take time to update your "date book". 4. try to Start with the newest items because they are probably the most important to you right now. 5. It´s important to be be well-organized in order to maximize every minute of the day. It´s a matter of developing good habits for more productive living 6. Organize Time to Get out in the World The goal of all this planning is not only to have a successful business, but also to enjoy a fulfilling life. Make sure you will spend some time with your kids and family, no matter how busy you are. Thanks for your post carmenjulia
Eileen H

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Re: Time Management
8/8/2005 5:02:17 PM
Hey kenneth, Yes I know what you mean. Never seems to be enough time in the day! I think one of the keys is to be very organized. Once organized, Time will fall in to place.
Alma Rocha

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Re: Time Management
8/8/2005 5:18:27 PM
Hello, Thanks for the invite Kenneth. Hmm. Well here's my tip for time management. When you wake up, or before you go to sleep write down a list of what needs to get done. We tend to think in terms of days or even months and overwhelm ourselves. Focus on that one day and you'll be surprised at how much you can get done. plus nothing beats that great feeling of crossing out the last thing on your list! Have a Great Day, Alma
Re: Time Management
8/8/2005 5:43:50 PM
Hi Kenneth, I agree with Eileen and Carmen, you need to get yourself Organised.Nan has the idea! For myself,I have set times that I work online ,7.30-8.30am/1.30-4.30pm/6.30-11.30pm. Although in these times I also take mini breaks and work around the house,feed animals etc.. I find a desk top diary very handy to work out my Gardening jobs and other important things I need to remember. The only other thing is being your own boss really helps too! Hope this helps in some way Leanne Busby
Craftie Linda

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Re: Time Management
8/8/2005 5:50:47 PM
Thanks for the invite Linda