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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Set it and Forget it online Business System?
1/12/2008 9:42:03 PM

Completely Automated! Set up your campaign 1 time and the system will resubmit your site for you on the most effective submission schedule to get your website indexed!

The largest and most up-to-date submission database on the Net! We update our engines 3 times per month, so your site is ALWAYS being submitted properly

No Software to Download or Learn! We are 100% Net based, meaning you never have to download any software and that it is guaranteed to work for any Operating System. Whether you use Windows, MAC, Linux, Unix or any other O/S, as long as you can access the Net YOU CAN USE Perfect Submitter

Save Time and Increase Traffic! It takes an average of 3-5 minutes to add your domain to a new campaign. Once you've added it, the system does all the rest! Set up your submission schedule and NEVER have to worry about resubmitting your site again

You control your submissions! You can add, edit, remove or add a new domain to submit at any time. You can also view reports and see exactly where you were submitted to and then verify that all in one easy step! Don't take someone else's word that you were submitted... KNOW you were!!

No Autoresponder Spam! We will eliminate ALL SPAM from ever reaching your email box! Of course, if you want to view them you can as well, but we've made it SUPER EASY to divert all spam!

Spider your entire domain! Our system will add each and every page from your website with 1 click! You can then choose to submit any of the pages it finds. Choose 1 or choose's up to you!

Emailed Reports! Once your submission has completed, we will email your report to whomever you choose. The report will give detailed information on who you submitted to, when it was submitted and whether it was a successful submission or not.

Cost Effective! You only pay for what you submit! For under $0.75cents per day you can drive traffic to your site!

Completely Automated! Our Scheduler will let YOU determine how often your site is submitted. We offer guidelines on resubmissions, but we allow YOU to determine what's best for your site! Set up your campaign 1 time and NEVER worry about resubmitting your site again. Remember, Consistent submissions to the engines is the most recommended way to get a better listing!

Automated Doorway Pages Generator!

Meta Tag Generator

Ranking and Reporting

Keyword Analyzer

Popularity Checker!

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Nick Sym

23156 Posts
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Re: Set it and Forget it online Business System?
1/13/2008 4:20:21 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Thomas Richmond

15469 Posts
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Re: Set it and Forget it online Business System?
1/13/2008 1:43:40 PM
Thanks for the encouragement brother Nick!
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support

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