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Thomas Richmond

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Set it and Forget it online Business System?
11/21/2007 1:13:45 PM
If there was a real "set it and forget it" system that
actually worked, it would be inundated with people since we
could all just set it up, forget about it, and watch our
dreams come true.  Does that really sound realistic to you?

In fact, to make matters worse, I would go so far as to
say that any set it and forget it system is actually
designed to take advantage of your dream in order to make
the program owner money.  I'll probably catch some flack
for telling you that, but c'est la vie!

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if you are
going to start an Internet business you need to see it for
what it is - A BUSINESS.

Once you have your business set up you will have days when
you see the money coming in with no work at all on your part. 
Those days are great. :-)

But, while you are setting your business up, you will also
have nights when you can't sleep and there is no money
rolling in.

You know what? As annoying as they can be, those sleepless
days with no income are great days too.  It is all part
of the learning process and once you are earning your
living working for yourself you will see the process as a
huge learning hurdle that you overcame successfully.
Happy Holidays ALP! Thomas R.
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Re: Set it and Forget it online Business System?
11/21/2007 2:36:44 PM

So All those set it & forget are scams. There are soooo many online business that say you can make thousands overnight! WTF Some accually sound very convincing & only the person who started those businesses make money because they say "You only have to pay thousands of $$ and you can make twice that the next day" & the catch to all these you need to have a million friends who are as gullible as you who are willing to make the so called millions over night.

That is why Im with MPM cause its not an overnight flyby night kind of MLM system. Im making money but Im not a millionaire.


Thomas Richmond

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Re: Set it and Forget it online Business System?
11/21/2007 4:31:50 PM
Well i guess Sheila your starting off on the right foot then so u dont need this bit of info then? I meant for this to be for newbies who like to work online and how easy it is to make money and quick! but just everything else you get some bad elements to the solutions , its just a tip of what i want to share to you new members. Being a power mall member myself i can tell you its a great shopping place but if you dont have a good downline? Another way on how to market is by using a free program, free to join and get this its free to win all we ask is that you commit to one seminar meeting a week is all we ask, and by doing that? you will, yes you will be entered into a winners pool for cash money the following week! in just 3 weeks i've gone from 1 person in my downline to 101 today  No Obligation at all!
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Winston Scoville

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Re: Set it and Forget it online Business System?
11/22/2007 12:04:36 AM

Some great advice there Thomas. Sadly a lot (and I mean a LOT) of sites out there play on peoples emotions to get their attention.  We see their crazy offers all the time:

- no work involved
- we do it for you
- set it up one and leave it
- free, free, free..... and the list goes on.

Most people would probably be surprised to learn that within them they have a profitiable business concept, with a niche market. They just need to learn how to get it out of them. Sadly though, they look for the easy way!

As you have said. THERE IS NO EASY WAY. Business is Business. And doing business online is nothing like doing business offline. Most people don't come online to buy something, they come online to find "Information". If you can provide them with the high quality info they are looking for youhave the best traffic there is!
Nick Sym

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Re: Set it and Forget it online Business System?
11/22/2007 4:09:12 AM
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