
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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A FAVOR for an ALP Friend: If you haven't joined this yet, will you take a look? THANKS!!
11/17/2007 11:11:22 AM

Hi Friends,

This is a portion of a message from Sherry Zeleny, if anyone would like to join Fortune 5 Minutes thru her link below, THANKS VERY MUCH!!


A few days ago my "real life" job position was cut.  As a single mom this was devastating.  I am kicking up my online promotions to high gear.

Fortune 5 Minutes only has a one-time $25 fee.

Please join from the link below (and let me know if you have any questions).


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Jason Lamure

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Re: A FAVOR for an ALP Friend: If you haven't joined this yet, will you take a look? THANKS!!
11/17/2007 11:51:45 AM
Hi Kathleen,

You  are a good friend, I appreciate the position Sherry is
in as it has been over a year since the same thing happened
to me. Downsized after 23 years of continuous service.

With 3 boys and being a single parent myself, I can honestly
say I've been there.

Go for it Sherry, and one day soon you will call your old boss
and thank them for letting you go...I did !



Losing Your Pants In MLM? If Your Upline Isn't Showing You How to Get 30 Leads / Day, I Can!
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Steven Suchar

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Re: A FAVOR for an ALP Friend: If you haven't joined this yet, will you take a look? THANKS!!
11/17/2007 12:02:42 PM
Hi Kathleen!

What a nice thing to do for Sherry...this is what I love to see in our community. :)  Friends helping each other!!

Sherry...all the best to you in your ventures.  May God bless you. are among the "elite" here in Adland. lol

Have a pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.

Be ready for when your time comes, you will have that window of opportunity, so seize the moment and capitalize on it.
Anthony Anderson

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Re: A FAVOR for an ALP Friend: If you haven't joined this yet, will you take a look? THANKS!!
11/17/2007 2:21:08 PM

Hi Kathleen,

As your friend of course I'll have a look - BUT it appears YOU haven't looked at my website and let me know you visited yet. Tsk, tsk, on you my friend.

You also know by now (messages, e-mails, and forums) that the ONLY WAY that I can join and really seriously consider any "offers" (other than by filling out one of the forms or joining one of my business interests) is via the form on my website. There's 0 obligation on your part and you WILL be rewarded as you will see.

I'd love to have you as my sponsor in one of your business interests so why not "lock-in" your position now? (Before someone else with the same business does.)

To your success in everything you do.

Your friend,

Gunther G.

Gunther G. - GENGRO Accounting and Business Consulting Services GENerating GROwth for Business and Individuals since 1991
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: A FAVOR for an ALP Friend: If you haven't joined this yet, will you take a look? THANKS!!
11/17/2007 3:55:06 PM

Hi Gunther,

I visited, I'm glad to see you're using the peach & navy blue Adlandpro banner I made before the turn of the century!  Seriously, if people want to join a business, they will join.  I don't believe in the old "you wash my hand and I'll wash yours"  or as in neighborly business..."If you buy Avon from me, I'll buy Tupperware from you."  If people want something, they go for it, if they don't, they don't.  You could join Lotto Magic under anyone else here at ALP or on the internet if you want to, but I've been told by LM admin that I'm one of their strongest if maybe THE strongest promoter they have on the net.  Besides that, I tell people if they are seriously thinking about joining, to first find out if 2 friends want to immediately join under them as Team Captains so your monthly fee will be covered after your first month.  There were several people here at ALP who were in Lotto Magic before I was but they didn't promote it, so I didn't know, and I joined under a friend from mail-order.  Still, 10 months later, I've written more ads and information about LM than all the dozens of people who joined under me, they don't need to write anything, I give all levels of my downline permission to copy my sales materials and change my ID to theirs.  The info in my thread "Lotto Magic: the opportunity, benefits, etc..." in my Lotto Magic forum has tons of info.  I will need to rewrite the income projections soon because next month LM is expanding to 5 levels of commissions.  That's why the admin called me on the phone, to give me a heads-up with my online advertising. 

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