
Bogdan Fiedur

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Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t...
8/7/2005 1:10:12 PM
"Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t you are usually right." – Henry Ford, Carmaker
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Thomas West

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Re: Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t...
8/7/2005 1:24:34 PM
This holds true in most people's realities. The difficult part is breaking old habits of thought that limit your ability to think "I can." Most people are accustomed to looking at their current situation and saying "I don't like this." Instead, they should be looking forward into their future and saying "This is what I want." Their present is just feedback on how well they are allowing their future to come into their lives. I'm still working on this one, and it has been quite a ride! Make it a great day (literally),
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Re: Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t...
8/7/2005 2:10:12 PM
Now I know the author of this quote, I used to have a friend and mentor say this all of the time. Thanks.
Nap Jones

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Re: Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t...
8/7/2005 2:38:34 PM
Do any of you remember the children's story of The Little Train That Could? ....."I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, until it could......"
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Shelly Hargis

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Re: Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t...
8/7/2005 3:23:00 PM
Hello Bogdan. The Mind is Very Powerful. When We Feed it with Negativity, We will Most Likely Get Negative Results. When We Feed it With Positive, We will Definately See More Positive Results. I Have Been Practicing this Lately and it Does Work. The More Positive I am, Not Conceited, Just Positive,(Some gets those Two Confused.LOL),The More Positive Results I have been Getting. It is Amazing How So Many of us Waste so Many Years of Our Lives Being Negative. I have But I am a New Me Now and it Feels GREAT! Thank You Friend, Shelly Hargis
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