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Re: Islam vs. Christianity (11/11/2007
11/13/2007 1:02:07 PM

The Tolerance of Islam
Toward Non-Muslims


Dear Marion,

Thank you for your post "A Bit Scary Imams & Clerics In Islam".


I don’t think what I posted in French was the same as it’s been writing, also good Muslims are not afraid of their life but hope that all religions join hand each other to fight Terrorism and Aggression & also to make lawful good things.

Here's Now the answer in English about what it was written about Islam on the mouth of Imam or Cleric called by Mohammed Said Tantawi, a well-known Islamic Scholar at Al-Azhar University (EGYPT) in the Hasanian Scholars of 3 Ramadon 1424 / 29 October 2003 chaired by Mohammed VI King Of Morocco.

From the divine word: "It may be that God assigns the friendship between you and those of them that you had for enemies. God is able, and God is Forgiving, Merciful. God does not stop at those who have not fought for religion, and have not driven away from your homes, to make them love, and to be, to them, in the balance. Yes, God loves those who deal in the balance. Nothing else, God, you can not, with respect to those who have fought for religion and you have expelled from your homes and assisted back to your expulsion, to take them for patrons. And those who use them for bosses, and then they are them prevaricators."(The review,

These verses begin with an expression of term expressing the event: 'it may be that'. Emanating from the Creator, the Most Exalted the Very glorified, this phrase takes the peremptory tone of
accomplished fact
. These verses were revealed twenty years after our Prophet and intercessor, salvation and prayer upon him, was invested with his mission of the Messenger of God. Meanwhile, as dissension and strife had erupted within the same family between parents and children, between brothers and sisters! So many people had their loved ones against fierce! But then came this verse: "It may be that God assigns the friendship between you and those of them that you had for enemies."

Its invigorating breeze, the announcement promising, the serenity the purest, came in chorus overwhelm the hearts of believers, after a long period of hostility and animosity that took their loved ones infidels.

This verse comes about believers say: maybe God will soon replace the affection and love of hostility and enmity that persist between you and your loved ones infidels. Know that he is capable of everything that His mercy is such that he absolves the leniency: "My mercy encompasses all things: I will stipulate So for those who practice piety and pay taxes for those who are also believing in signs, then those who follow the messenger, the prophet they find at all words at home in the Torah and the Gospel, ordering them suitable, preventing the reprehensible, making lawful good things, Banning bad, removing the burden and the shackles that were on them." (Les Limbes, 156-157)

God has kept His promise. Soon would happen, in fact, the glorious conquest of Mecca, during the month of Ramadan, in the year of the Hegira. Everyone could then find their loved ones, after people were converted in crowd to the religion of God, and that the hostility had ceded its place to love, thanks to the adoration that everyone will soon dedicated now to God, Lord of the worlds.
Were then revealed two noble verses where the Most Exalted present, in terms could not be more clear, the method that Muslims must borrow at any time and in any place, in times of war as in times of peace, to enemies and allies, and their shows when they suddenly have to break links with those who profess a religion different from their own.

It boils down to this: towards individuals who, even embracing a religion other than Islam, we do not cause any damage, but on the contrary we are reaching out, we need to adopt the same attitude and cooperate in conciliatory the good and piety, not for evil and aggression.
But against those who seek, in one way or another to do us harm, to undermine our faith, in the general interest of our community, our economy, to any of our commitments towards God, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, we are really allowed to defend ourselves.
Hence this first verse: "God does not prevent you to those who have not fought for religion, and have not driven away from your homes, to make them love, and to be, to these, in the balance. Yes, God loves those who deal in the balance. "

In brief submitted, the Koranic text suggests that God will allow you believers -better you exhorte- to do good with regard to non-Muslims, to lend your assistance, as long as they have not, because of your Muslim faith, declared war, nor any damage to your religion or your interests secular. You should therefore ensure fairness to them, whether it is true that the heavens and the earth are based on that value.

So did God enjoin us to observe fairness and justice in the words: "And when you speak, so be fair, even if it is a close relative." (Bestiaux, 152); in Judgments: "And when you judge between people, to judge with fairness." (Women, 58)

In testimony:
"And two men testify integrity among you. Establish And the testimony pro Deo." (Le Divorce, 2)

By proposing to reconcile people in conflict: "If two groups of believers fights, then make peace between them. Then, if one of them rebels against the other, then fight one who rebel until he bowed to the order of God. Then he bows, and then make peace between them with justice, and to consider the balance. Yes, God loves those who believe in balance. Nothing else: believers are brothers. Therefore Make peace between your two brothers, and fear God. Perhaps you will soon make-on mercy."(Partitions, 10-11)

In recording of legal documents:
"And a scribe writes you, in all fairness." (The Cow, 282); with the enemy and friend, the poor and the rich, and the near abroad, as evidenced by this noble verse: "Ho, who believes! Come on! Standing for God, for witnesses God with justice! And that hatred of a people does not encourage you not to do equity. Equity Make: it is closer to piety. " (The platter served 8)

If justice is the high road that leads to progress and happiness of nations, providing them with security, peace and tranquillity, injustice, however, is a way that it leads to disintegration and destruction, undermining the well established and the foundations. God is telling the truth, saying: "And they were elaborating a plan to a ploy. Yet we were elaborating a plan without doubt they are a ploy. Watch to what has happened to their ploy: we maked them perish, yes, their people too. So what they missed by interest, their house collapsed roofs! This is a sign, really, for people who know."(The Ants, 50-51-52)

In a hadith kodsi (= sacred: that the Prophet of God wishes), the same truth is confirmed: "O My slaves, I prohibits injustice, and I have defended to perpetrate. So do not unjust towards each other. "

The second verse, God lists the categories of people with whom we must break all links, against which we must resist, in order to ward off their blows and thwart their machinations. One finds confirmation in this verse: "Nothing else, God, you can not, with respect to those who have fought for religion and you have expelled from your homes and assisted back to your expulsion, to take for patrons. Those who take to the bosses, then it is them prevaricators."(The review,

Explanation: God, the Most exalted, the Most Glorified, categorically prohibits you believers, to testify about love or affection to those who have fought you because you are Muslims, and those who have driven you away from your homes, and those who have helped you with your enemies expatriation. It is strictly forbidden to cooperate with them. Because, well aware that anyone who cooperates with these people and their like, harms its religion, its people and its nation. It is therefore doomed to perdition on earth and in the - Beyond. While it is true that he has betrayed God, the Most Exalted, the Most Exalted, as His Messenger, salvation and prayer upon him, and the Koranic law that the Messenger, salvation and prayer upon him, takes the Lord, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorified.
Both noble verses establish therefore Muslims barrel that should govern at any time and place, their dealings with non-Muslims, whether of the East or the West, North or South. This is the balance that God, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorified, put at the disposal of Muslims.

From these noble verses which constitute the starting point for our subject, we must learn many lessons and rules of conduct:

- All human beings are born of one father and one mother, as stated in the first verse of the chapter Women: "People! Fear your Lord who created you from a single person, and it was his wife, who both made abundance many men as well as women. "(Women, 20);

- God, the Most High, by His grace and His goodness, has fulfilled the hope of believers and responded positively to their implorations. Those who lived two decades away from their fathers, their mothers and their families, and, even worse, went to their battle. But God, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorified, by His grace, put them together, thus bringing together people with a pure natural to convert to infidelity to Creed and grouping them into a harmonious whole, as he says in this verse: "The believers, the hearts of which he has put affection; -Would-you spent all that is on earth, you would not have gotten its affection between their hearts but it is God who has put affection between them." (The remains, 63);

Law-sacred in Islam requires its followers to extend a hand of peace to anyone who goes down, regardless of their creed. Especially as dogma can be imposed. Indeed, it may not win his case on the plan, under duress and coercion, as hypocriticals dishonests, not sincere believers. God is telling the truth by pointing out that: "No compulsion in religion, for the right path differs from wandering." (The Heifer, 256);

- The clash of civilizations, the clash of doctrines and ideas is a conception that we Muslims, we reject. On the contrary, we recognize that, to those wise, civilizations together, combine their efforts and help each other for the good of all mankind. Sacred Law of Islam does not forbid its followers to benefit, within the limits of law, in the science and technology of non-Muslims. Nothing prevents either that the West learned of the civilization of the East or the North from the South and vice versa when that civilization brings to people, in accordance with the principles of morality, goodness and prosperity;

This Act - protected sacred human life, both Muslims and non-Muslims, using a variety of instruments, alternating between seduction and exhortation on the one hand, intimidation and reprimand the other. Suffice it to recall that the same law states that anyone who kills one person unjustly is as if he has killed the whole of humanity. In fact, God said in this regard: "Whoever kills a person, unless that exchange or another because of a disorder committed in the land-… nothing else, then it is as if it had killed all the people together."(The Plateau served, 32);" And whoever makes him the gift of life "that is, one who acts so that this life is preserved by presenting testimony credible, preventing an injustice, murder, either by warning a tyrant, "it's as if it were the gift of life to all people together."

- Those who confuse Jihad in Islam and Terrorism and Aggression are ignorant and misguided. Because Jihad in Islam has been established that for noble purposes, including particularly: firstly, protecting religion, human life, homeland, honor, dignity, and everything that God has ordained Defense; secondly: to support victims of injustices and crime and punish those responsible. All the achievements that took place under the Prophet Mohammed, salvation and prayer upon him, were in fact driven by these two designs: the battle of "Badr" was intended to protect those who have been evicted from their homes, with no other crime than having proclaimed loud and clear the name of Allah, that of "Ohod" was conducted for the Defense of Medina against the onslaught of associates; the "Combined" (Al-ahzab) sought to thwart the siege almost total Medina by associates; taking Mecca was a way to help victims of abuse and inequity, in this case the tribe Banou Khoza'a, allies of the Muslims who were betrayed by their enemies , associates.
This is the meaning of Jihad in Islam to defend what it takes to defend, and provide assistance to victims of injustice.

As for terrorism, about the assault, they are themselves the antithesis of Jihad. The distance that separates them remains a huge abyss, as they are irreconcilable. For if Jihad is to defend the truth, to assist the stricken beings of iniquity, terrorism and aggression aimed at defending evil, to support tyrants, by the massacres, the theft of land, demolition many homes, theft of property, or the denial of legitimate rights.

- Law of Islam sacred jealously wishes to spread security and peace, tranquility and welfare for the benefit of all humanity, all members of the Muslim nation, between them and those who profess a religion other than 'Islam. Better still, the same Act recommends to his supporters, in the person of our intercessor, the Messenger of God, salvation and prayer upon him, to provide relief to anyone in need, to sign a peace pact with those who are worthy of non-Muslims. Witness these divine words, which contained through our intercessor, the Messenger of God, salvation and prayer upon him, are open to all persons advised: "And if any maker ask God asylum, then gives him asylum, until, what he hears the word of God, then do arrive at the place of safety. This is because these are people who really do not know! "(Disclaimer, 6)

Explanation: if one of associates resorts to you, you have to, oh My Messenger, give it your competition and preserve his life. You will soon give him in this way the chance to hear the Koran, ponder carefully what divine. It will have full discretion to choose: either Creed and the integration of the rank of your supporters, or return home, in which case, you should do escort until he returns to his home. While it is true that associates are not aware of what is the truth. They therefore need some time to think about it calmly, with the certainty of being safe in their country. In an authentic hadith, the Prophet, and Salvation Prayer over him, asked, those who make good zeal strictly enforce these guidelines divine: "Anyone who will not touch a man's life, and then to be missing his appointment is not mine, the victim responsibility be a wrongdoer. "

God Bless You!


Mourad LOTFI - Blog:
Dean Beaty

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity (11/11/2007
11/13/2007 9:00:15 PM

That was a great piece of information and very true.  I appreciate you bringing this out and the man who was willing to stand up for Christ did a great job revealing the difference between our Savior Jesus Christ and Allah!

Thank you very much.


Dean & Gladys Beaty

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Marion Tucker

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity (11/11/2007
11/13/2007 10:53:48 PM

I agree with most everything you say except for the fact that you think all religions are corrupt. 

If you read my bio in here you would see that I only began going to church a few years ago.  My parents never went so I did not know much about Jesus nor the Bible.  So I am grateful I can go to Sunday school and Church to learn.   I pray at home and praise the Lord at home too, but being in Church just makes me feel so much closer to the Lord.  I go by what I feel in my heart and I get to sing to the Lord each Sunday in the choir.  The people in that Church got me through some pretty tough times.  If I did not go to Church I might not feel as inclined to worship the Lord each week nor feel as close to him.   I also feel like I am doing something for the Lord when I help out at the church and giving back for all the blessings that have been bestowed on me.

You are wrong about Christian faith interpreting the Bible differently.   I guess just reading the Bible, or anything else, that some people will see it one way and some another.  That is just human nature.  Only God know the true interpretation.  Christians are people who walk and believe in Christ.  There are good people and bad people everywhere regardless if they have a religion or not. 

I never meant to imply directly or indirectly that you had to go to church.  If you knew me better you would know that I don't pass judgment on anyone.  So please don't tell me what I meant here. 

It looks to me like you are condeming all Christians because of the ones that are acting holier than thou and then prove they are not, but only human.  All of us are sinners I don't care what religion or non-religion you are.  So please don't judge us or like I said before put us all in the same basket. 

I don't agree with all the killing going on either, but I do think the Lord is worth fighting for in words. 

Yes God is the only one who can and will judge us. 

This is all I am going to say on the subject because I only wanted to present the article on Islam vs Christianity in the first place.  Didn't think I would have to defend Christianity but glad to do so. 

I hope you find whatever it is you need and that I see you in heaven one day.   :-)

God Bless!

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Marion Tucker

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity (11/11/2007
11/13/2007 11:26:34 PM
Hi Don,

Jesus was the beginning of Christianity and preached all over the countryside.  I have prayed everywhere as well, even before I get on my motorcycle I pray. 

I am just saying, to me, it is wonderful to have a house of worship to go to and praise the Lord and offer him tithes. 

He does hear us everywhere we go but don't you think he appreciates a bit of praise as well?? 

I hope you are right about touching some hearts here. 

God Bless!

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Marion Tucker

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity (11/11/2007
11/13/2007 11:32:53 PM
Hi J.V.,

Thanks for you input once again.  I am aware of that chapter in the Bible and yes of course God is everywhere.  We even sing about that. 

So you do not think that the temple needs to be rebuilt before Christ comes back again.  What makes you say that? 

God Bless!

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