Suggested Retail: $39.50
YOUR COST: $34.50 ENERGY COMBO 30 CT. CoQ10 and L-Carnitine both have specific roles in the production of energy within the mitochondria of cells. While L-carnitine shuttles fats to the mitochondria to be burned as energy, CoQ10 is an integral part of the metabolic pathway that creates ATP (adenosine triphoshate), the body's universal form of energy. Heart muscle is the richest of all the cells in mitochondria and approximately 70% of the metabolic energy comes from burning fat. This necessitates high levels of carnitine in heart tissue. Additionally, aging, improper diet, drugs and various lifestyles can deplete nutrients such as CoQ10. Energy supplementation with these nutrients may, therefore, prove beneficial for cardiovascular support, exercise and general energy levels, and weight management.
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