Nice to meet someone that has clue, finally. I have been counseling folks to do just that. However we continue to see folks use affiliate links, not using trackers or using good common business sense.
Most folks coming online today have been led to believe that all they need to do is join a program and spread their affiliate links around.
Great theory and would be great if that actually worked. It works for the gurus and program owners but seldom for the newbie affiliate. Unless of course they have been associated with someone like yourself that thinks more about helping folks than the greed of making the sale.
- How many folks actuall own their own domain?
- How many have their own suite of marketing tools? That include link trackers, rotators, Follow up responders for building relationships, training - Audio, video and Live as welll as in text?
Over in my forum I have been sharing this information and providing the tools, resources and training. It amazes me how many newbie, novice and experienced marketers fail to understand or get this point.
The flowing hypnotizing ad copy and all the noise about easy money seems to cloud their common sense. They fall for come ons like" Join us and you will make $110,000.00 is 60 days" but none these seem to work for 98% percent of the folks and they become jaded and close minded because things didn't work out. Nice to meet some with a clue.
You don't have to spend a lot dough to accomplish this either. Many of us actually place all the tools right in your lap and teach you, not show you how to use them. Please drop into my forum and share you insights. I am sure there is a thread or two that you can weigh in on.
Branding yourself is easy really! But you have to claim your brand first.
Grab all tools, training, and education to use them Today FREE!
Ps: I have sent you a friend request. We all need friends like yourself.