Thanks to all of you for posting. This is exactly why I started this forum.
Everyone has some really great points. Yes Mary, I do agree that you must NEVER send ads to the SEND ME A MESSAGE unless that person has contacted you and expressly requested that information.
I would suggest that anyone who wishes to email their FRIENDS here with any Ads or opps should upgrade to Adlander, you can then send to ONLY YOUR NETWORK and only once per week.
I dont always send something once per week as I dont always have something useful to send. I sometimes will send free stuff, giveaway notices etc. Other times, if I Have something I feel my friends can use, I will send an ad about a service, opp or product.
I agree with Kevin that most people need to see an ad more than once before they purchase. I use Safelists, free ads and the impression ads etc I get here and on my other networking sites to this. That way I am not harassing my fellow networkers with the same email content each week.
Yes Andrew ther eare many great books out there about networking but I would suggest that after reading any book, that you get with someone that has been in the networking arena for sometime and also pick their brains. I offer to help anyone who asks, as I enjoy helping others succeed. No matter if it is with one of my businesses or one they have chosen for themselves.
Please keep posting here! I am waiting on some newbies to post some questions we can all answer as well!
Much Success to you all!