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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/25/2007 4:18:45 PM

Hi Judy,

We didn't get color TV until I was around 12 yrs old!  That was in 1977!

I remember when I was much smaller, around 5 yrs old before I started school...going to the neighbors to watch cartoons in color, and taking walks with my Mom past other peoples houses, I could see color TV's in some of the windows...asking Mom if she knew them so we could visit!  LOL.  Back then I remember a lot of people didnt adjust their color, the Galloping Gourmet had greenish skin, so did most people on the old color TV's.  But the cartoons looked okay, not greenish!

Neil Sperling

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/25/2007 4:48:41 PM
LOL - If I told you all that must have happened "before my time" ... you would know I was only kidding....... "or has my memory started to fail me?"

Thanks so much for the trip down memory lane.....

The world is full of changes, some good, some bad... some "just changes... neither good nor bad"

One thing for sure "Time changes things, and we change with time.....but not in ways of true friendship"

Thanks for neing my friend!

Love Light and Laughter!

Kyle Watters

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/25/2007 4:50:28 PM

WOW kewl stories and Awesome pictures, THanks for sharing.


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Terry Gorley

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/25/2007 5:53:22 PM

Thank you for the AWESOME trip down memory lane, Judy!  Its wonderful to remember the "good 'ole days!"

Love & Hugs




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Phillip Black

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/25/2007 6:41:42 PM

Hi Judy,

Thanks for the Memories.  Funny thing, at 60, I can remember most of these like they happened yesterday.  Now just don't ask me what did happen yesterday?

By the way Thomas, I thoroughly enjoyed L.A. back in my Hippie Days in the 60's, however, I understand it's a whole lot tougher out there now.  I heard this little joke just the other day.  Don't know how true it is, but I thought that you might get a kick out of it.

Two men were sitting side by side on an airliner flying from Denver to Los Angeles.

The first man appeared nervous and finally explained that he was being transferred to LA. "I hate Los Angeles," he said. "Everything you hear about LA is bad -- smog, traffic, and worst of all, the crime. Gangs everywhere, people getting shot and robbed, things stolen, car jackings, and everyone hates everyone else."

"Oh, it's not that bad," said the second man. "I live in LA myself. Most of that stuff you read is media hype. It's just not true. You'll find LA is just like any other city, anywhere in America."

"Really?" responded the first. "Boy, that makes me feel a lot better. You say you live in LA -- what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a tail gunner on a Bud Lite delivery truck."

Anyone still wishing for the good old days can catch most of the "Oldies" on "Nick at Nite", or "TVLand", late at night, and down here in NC, we just celebrated "Mayberry Days" up in Mt. Airy, NC, the home of Andy Griffith, back a few weeks ago.  If you're gonna be down this way around the end of next September, let me know and I treat you to a famous Pork Chop Sandwich and a glass of Sweet Tea, down at The Snappy Lunch. 

Thanks Again for the wonderful memories of the simpler times.

Have A Beautiful Weekend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10