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Judy Smith

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/25/2007 12:08:50 PM

Hi Thomas,

That's the pager I remember!!! (LOL)  Times have changed.  Thanks god for great memories, huh?  I grew up with teachers and police officers who were full of love .  You really didn't want to do anything but respect them. 

Dennis the Menace and Beaver Cleaver were great friends of our household.  A bit later, when I was in my early teens, color TV came along, and the entire neighborhood would gather at our house on Sunday night to watch Bonanza, which at the time was the only show that was on in color!!!

Oh, those memories.  Glad you came by and enjoyed, my friend!!



Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/25/2007 12:41:56 PM
Dear JN Smith;
  You Really Warmed the Cockles of My heart (Must be over 40 to understand) LOL, This is Great,Brings Back a Lot of Memories,I dreamed of being in Movies,and played cowboys and Indians in and out Side,To think that I've become in international Celebrity Look a Like (Chuck Norris they Say) and in Several Movies and even with Long time Veteran ACTOR Mr. JON VOIGHT in the New Movie 2006"the Karate Dog Unleashed" and was asked to be his Personal body Guard in Vancouver BC while filming,you make a man feel like his life hasn't been totally Wasted! LOL  Thanks alot Now, God Bless You and Yours! Jn Smith Always, From Minnesota,StephanChuckNorris Stenzel
Judy Smith

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/25/2007 1:29:08 PM

Hi Stephan,

I was in love with Roy Rogers and was really mad at Dale Evans for having gotten to him first - I was about 8!! 

Those were the "good old days"!!


Valerie Clavin

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/25/2007 1:39:43 PM


  This is a good one!!! OH the memories!!!

I remember the push mower - a bunch of blades that would get a piece of grass caught and then refuse to move no matter how hard you pushed! Loved it when electric came out!

 Ice cream made with the hand crank, everyone took turns till it would crank no more!! Daddy covered it with extra ice and several throw rugs and we had to WAIT till it cured. Seem like forever!

Those bath tubs the actually had room for water! Long legs and made of iron. You could almost swin in one it was so deep!

I remember the first station to have color was Monday night at the movies. At that time, we didn't have to have a special TV or special antenna to pick up color shows.

 Drive in movies! Do they even have such a thing anymore? The whole family went.

 Sack lunches were fun, we all sat out on the school lawn and ate together!

 Momma told me of the days when they did laundry - tere was a specific order you put clothes on the line. If it wasn't right, you were the talk of the town!

 I'll probably think of more later. Thanks for the invite. Love the memories!!


Valerie Clavin


Hugs, Friends, memories = Priceless

Judy Smith

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Re: Black and White - Just for fun!
10/25/2007 1:46:08 PM

Oh how well, I remember all of those things, Val.  We had one of the crankable icecream makers and once a month on Sunday afternoon, we got to make some and take turns cranking!!

That was to this day the best ice cream in the whold wide world!!!

Hugs and thanks for coming!



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