Hello from sunny South of France, JoAnne! Glad to see your sunny smile here. In the evening, when we come back in the dark, after it has been raining, we go crunch crunch crunch across the garden and crunch again, as we go up onto the terrace and to the entrance door. It's like invasion of the snails!! When it has rained here, we see people going along the verges with their metal baskets, collecting snails. My son helps a disabled lady in our village from time to time. Sometimes when someone has collected snails for her, she asks him to help her cook them. One time she had guests coming and invited him to stay and share the snails with them. He hastily made a retreat!! I've got some more gardening to do. So glad you visited and I hope you can bring some photos of your garden here. That would be great. Angel cuddles, Sarah