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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
4/9/2008 5:25:52 AM
Hello Pat,

How are you?

Red roses are my favourite.

Thank you for brightening my day.

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Flag of Gerri Decher

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
4/10/2008 11:19:29 PM
Hi Sarah,
I just received these amazing pics from a COOL.
Cheers, Gerri


Flag of Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
4/11/2008 6:58:58 AM
Amazing indeed, Gerri.

Extremely COOL!

A wonder of nature. Beautiful.

We had a freak ice rain storm a few weeks ago. Just at Plaigne and Belpech. The sun was shining and I was working at the computer. Suddenly, I was surprised by thunder and lightning, followed by the ice rain thundering on our roof. I was too busy seeing to the animals and clearing the ice from the path to the stable to even think of taking pics.

My son came home and stood on the drive, with amazement on his face "What has been happening here?" I had to shovel thick layers of ice. Poor Loupio was frightened by the noise of the shovel and as he went out of the stable his legs went in all directions. He managed to go to the back of the house. When I got there he had disappeared. I can only imagine how he got down the tree slope to the field below! I was concerned and amused at the same time. I imagined him sliding down the ice shoot on his backside!!

Well, the sun came back out and the ice melted almost as quickly as it had arrived.

Thank you for sharing these wonderful examples of nature's artwork.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Flag of Judy Woodson

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
4/11/2008 10:21:40 AM

Hi Sarah.

Just stopped by to congratulate you on your forum win and see what was happening in the garden.

Great pictures, Gerri. Here in Seattle we had ice storms the last week in March. It would start with huge wet snowflakes, then move to little fine ones that would stick to the ground. The ice came as icy sleet, then ice pellets, then sleet. It was quite the show!

Today, however is sunny and beautiful. I'm going outside to dig a bit and smile a lot.

Have a great weekend!


Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
4/17/2008 1:45:21 PM

Hi Sarah,

Yes, ice storms can be freaky yet beautiful, as long as you don't have to get out in them. We have them irregularly here in Kentucky, usually every 5 to 7 years or so. But the freakiest one I ever saw was in North Florida about 25-26 years ago, around 1983.

It was on a Saturday in mid-October, forecast was for sunny and a balmy 75 degrees. At 11:00AM it was 65 and sunny. By 12:00 it had dropped back to 40 and continuing to drop. An arctic cold front unexpectedly had made it's way across the mid-west and down into the South. By 5:00PM it was under 21 degrees, and that night it dropped down to 9-below zero, plus a wind-chill. The highest it got until Tuesday was 5 degrees above zero.

People were told NOT to run water, but they did anyway, and there were thousands of flowering lawns with 2 to 3 feet of ice on them with roses, mums, and you name it all under ice. You could drive around the neighbourhoods for hours and not get tired of looking at all of the un-natural beauty that had sprung up over just two days.

Sorry, no pics! That was many moons ago.

Our family had a 2-1/2 acre Nursery and we lost over 80% of our stock, mostly Azaleas, Spireas, and light flowering "Florida-Style" shrubbery. Sadly, I carried dead plants out to the back fence for over two weeks.

So, the next time you enjoy an ice storm, just hope you don't have to do the cleanup afterwards,, ok?!

Later,, Ya'll...........................!

Your Friend Always,

The Benster!

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