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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
5/1/2010 9:24:49 PM


I'm so pleased to echo your weather news.

Here in the South of England it has been very warm and beautiful. Following that horrid winter it's wonderful. BUT, tonight heavy rain and tomorrow. We need rain but not that heavy. We are told that when it drys out it will be MUCH colder again, I hope not.

I have sweet peas doing very well and lots of cutting annuals coming up.

Radishes are a little slow, which is unusual.

slugs.jpg picture by romacmail

I read recently an article about Hostas (Slug and Snail gourmet speciality).

A lady wrote that she makes a garlic concentrate which she then adds to each of her waterings of her Hostas. She claims 100% success. I'm going to make some from wild garlic leaves (very common near here) rather than use expensive cloves.

Worth a try.

Grit works well too as they HATE grit. (nice horticultural grit is best).

Little tip. If you are forced to use pellets eco-friendly or not then place them AROUND the plants to be protected but NOT right next to the plants. The idea is to tempt marauders AWAY not to the plants. (Obvious really but rarely done.


Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
5/10/2010 10:52:49 AM
My dear Sir Roger!

Thank you for the snails!!

Thank you for the advice.

I actually spoke too soon when I said about the beautiful weather. Very soon after we had storms and we have a lot of damage in the garden.

I will put up some photos when I have time.

What a time we have been having weatherwise. Incredible for May.

That is unusual for raddishes. They usually come up very quick.

I will be back a bit later on with the storm reports!

Angel cuddles,
Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
5/11/2010 5:14:49 PM
Hello again Mother Earth Gardeners!

I haven't had time to sort some photos yet. Been sorting the damaged trees and shrubs. Had to stop due to new storms!!!

This forum has been nominated for Best Forum Award for May. Voting has begun here:

Voting ends at Midnight on the 13th.

I would like to thank Pat for nominating Sarah's Emporium. It is very much appreciated.

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Karen Gigikos

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
5/11/2010 6:45:47 PM
Come back to Sarahs Garden I am going to take Sarah
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a basket of flowers from her garden!
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Karen Gigikos

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
5/11/2010 6:58:42 PM
This is the garden I got the flowers from.beautiful.jpg picture by kareblblt
karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies

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