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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/30/2009 8:21:42 PM


Just a little story for you to ponder upon.

About two weeks ago I was laying in bed, unable to sleep. My computer was on sleep mode in the same room.

I decided to write an "Angel" poem. Several lines in I was stuck for inspiration, THEN, the computer switched itself on, or did it.

You tell me.

I haven't finished the poem yet but I will share it when I do.


Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/30/2009 8:48:39 PM

Bonjour Mother Earth Gardeners !

I’ve been gardening today in the beautiful sunshine.I cleared one section. As I was doing it, Polly the pony saw me and she came running over to the fence and whinnied to catch my attention. She was reminding me that her and Loupio, the donkey love eating that particular part of the garden when they escape from the field!!

“Yes, Polly I’ll save it for you, don’t worry,” Isaid. She gave me another little whinny and then went on her way happy. She and Loupio were very happy later, when I put all the cuttings into the field for them. Hubby said that I should just have let them in the garden to eat it and that would have saved me some work. Ho ho, I think they may have eaten things that I wouldn’t want them to eat. Not a good idea!

Here is a photo that one of our guests in the gîte took of Polly and Loupio. That’s Raymonde with them. She spends most of her spare time with them.

Polly and Loupio with Raymonde

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/30/2009 8:58:24 PM
My dear Sir Roger!

That sort of thing happens to me all the time!

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I look forward to the poem.

You know, I received a message on my computer at the bottom of the screen (in completely different writing to that on the screen), telling me to go see my Daddy. I decided to immediately look for transport to take the girls to see him. We did go to see him and I said goodbye to him (one week before he passed on). I cuddled him and told him that I loved him and he told me that he loved me too. There was a white feather lying on the mat, as I left.

That is the story in brief. There was a lot more angel activity involved.

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/30/2009 9:05:21 PM


feather.jpg picture by romacmail


Sarah Pritchard

2408 Posts
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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/31/2009 6:54:20 PM
Attend the Parliament of the World's Religions in Melbourne, Australia with UBIEE

UBIEE is presenting the Futuro Peace Plan at the Parliament of the World's Religions Convention in Melbourne, Australia.

People of UBIEE are being afforded the opportunity to join the Dalai Lama and other leaders of all the world's major religions at the Parliament of theWorld's Religions in Melbourne, Australia. Dec. 3rd to 9th, 2009.

Please note that you can make an OTC (One Time Contribution) to this cause inthe UBIEE Environmental Project Vortex which was started specially for this event funding. This is not a donation, but a contribution and you will earn aresidual income from it, as well as helping the cause.

CLICK HERE to make your contribution, thank you.

Angel cuddles for peace,


Sarah Pritchard Presents UBIEE ENVIRO Project

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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