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Alain Deguire

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
9/9/2009 7:19:05 PM

To Sarah and Friends...

on this special 09-09-09 day...

I simply want to say...

Love and Blessings


Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/25/2009 6:29:38 PM
UBIEE ELITE-1 Sarah Pritchard

Bonjour Mother Earth Gardeners!

It has been a while since I have posted here. Had issues, as some of you know. I seem to be able to post here again, so fingers crosseed. Today, I want to invite you to contribute to a cleaner Planet Earth. My husband, David has started using the UBIEE PowerPills in our vehicles and has decided that he can see the sense in my UBIEE participation and he has started contributing too. If you would like to join us, please CLICK HERE or on the banner:

David Pritchard Presents UBIEE Enviro Project for a cleaner Earth

Happy Birthday UBIEE

Yes, we recently  celebrated the birth of UBIEE. That is an event well worth celebrating. I am proud to be part of the UBIEE family.

On this occasion, I’d like to share my thoughts with you, my vision:

My way of looking at things in the World with UBIEE

Let me introduce myself as a lady with a mission. That mission is to shareAngel Cuddles. They are real. They are love, knowledge, enlightenment, positiveenergy, healing energy, support……and the list goes on. I connect with the angels and I follow their guidance. The angels are there for all of us, waiting. What are they waiting for? They are waiting for us to demand their help.

Man is on the Earth to act as servants, to take care of the Earth.  We all have our part to play.  Some of us are more creative, some are more physical and so on, but we all share in the tending of the wonderful garden that is Earth.

Co-operation between angelic beings and men play an important part in the task of looking after Mother Earth’s garden.  Practical help of angelic intelligences is available in all work which is designed and performed for the purpose of helping others and of serving the world.

Together with the angels’ help we are doing and can continue to do Mother proud.  We can all do our bit.  All those who are engaged in work for the amelioration of human conditions, in whatever department of life, may demand the aid of the angelic races.  An increase in vitality, virility,and effectiveness, beyond all human measure, will be a result of this.  The work will become almost infinitely far-reaching, for it will be performed in spiritual, mental, and moral regions, as well as in the purely physical world,and we shall have the angels as co-workers to inspire and strengthen all our efforts by their wisdom and their power and their love.

I have just given that introduction to show you where I am at and why I am apart of UBIEE, why I am a UBIEE Ambassador. My introduction to UBIEE was via the UBIEE Enviro Project. I have to admit that I thought it was very complicated and I didn’t understand how it worked, but I followed my angel guidance and my intuition, my instincts. The idea of presenting the UBIEE PowerPill and making people aware of the environmental issues was very appealing to me. In fact, the truth is that it is a simple concept of contributional marketing. When you look at it slowly, step by step, you can see how it works. It isn’t at all complicated. It fitted in with my mission. TheUBIEE PowerPill and the UBIEE Enviro Project are, in essence, forms of angel cuddles for our Mother Earth.

So, I’d like you to see, this isn’t just about business and making money.This is about UBIEE helping us to “You Be” and that “You Be” to become “We Be.”  We be individuals, but those individuals form “one.” All in that one work together to take care of ourPlanet Earth and our fellow beings. In a broader sense, we are talking about humanity and the entire planet. In a narrower (but not less important) sense,it is about the UBIEE members working together in spirit and team work.

UBIEE is one big team. Within that team there are smaller teams. I’m proud to say that I’m a part of the Elite1 Team and one of the musketeers in The 6 Musketeers Agency. We are all helping each other, which makes sense. One person working on their own can only achieve so much. One person just looking out for their self will only get so far, or even nowhere. A caring team working harmoniously together, bringing each person’s knowledge and skills into the whole, has no limit to what they can achieve.

In conclusion, with angel support and guidance, I’m proud to be a part of The 6 Musketeers, the Elite1 Team and the UBIEE family. Voilà my vision of UBIEE. There is no limit.

That was read out for me, at the last UBIEE Telethon on 3rd October, by the hostess, Deborah Barton Birden.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Branka Babic

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/25/2009 7:11:45 PM
Bonjour Sarah!

WELCOME BACK ! And thanks for a great introduction! 

First time ever I was (to say) compelled to read what UBIEE is, thanks to your great way to combine all the spheres of our earth existence :) .

Kathleen started writing poetic ads (sonnets) ... you employed angels ... THINGS ARE MOVING ON IN REALLY INCREDIBLE WAY !

Thanks friend!

You made my Sunday evening !


Branka Babic

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/25/2009 7:17:41 PM

Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/30/2009 6:34:26 PM
Thank you Branka.

That graphic is wonderful.

I am concentrating on the spiritual side of my life and my connection with the angels and developing that. Most of my online time is devoted to UBIEE and world peace.

LOL, I sound like I'm in a beauty contest telling everyone how I want to save the world.

But seriously, alone we can't spread enough love and peace, but together we can bring about peace on Mother Earth and heal Mother Earth.

Enough said for now. Don't want to be too heavy, but this is what I truly believe.

Angel cuddles,
Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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