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Judy Woodson

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
5/6/2009 8:39:16 AM

Hello Sarah.

I also have invited George.

Was interesting to hear everyone's weather comments. Apparently our Seattle weather is pretty much the same as Myrna's in Pennsylvania even though we are on the other coast. Rain, cool, and more rain and clouds.

Planting is late, but I've planted lots of leeks and fingerling potatoes as well as salads and assorted cooking greens. Last weekend was the big plant sale up at our community garden and I picked up a few tomato plants, a summer squash and a couple of tomatillos, but for now they will have to be content to live on a window sill.

Still, it is obvious that spring is coming as now the cooler days are warmer than the warmer days were a month or so ago.

Happy Gardening Everyone!


Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
5/6/2009 10:48:02 AM
Bonjour Judy!

Yes, thank you. I saw that you were now one of George's friends. He is very happy to find like minded fellow Mother Earth Gardeners. I'm hoping that he will post a message here very soon, when he can get on the puter.

You will have to tell me what tomatillos are.

Spring is here, very much here. I am waiting for the sun to go off the veg patch so that I can plant my haricot seeds.

I've also got some Iris plants to put in. A lady at the choral gave me some and she has even labelled them so that I know which colours they are, bless her. She's going to give me some more next week. They certainly brighten up the garden.

Here is the photo of Dublin with sunshine that I mentioned to Sir Roger:

Look at that lovely blue sky. This is my biggest big sis and I in St Patrick's Cathedral Garden, Dublin. Unfortunately, the ducks did not wish to cooperate and had swum out of the pic.

You would not believe how long it took to upload this pic and then get it to come up on this page, but I persevered (I have a stubborn nature and refuse to give up ha ha).

Thank you for your visit Judy.

Angel cuddles,


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Judy Woodson

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
5/6/2009 2:37:37 PM

Hi again, Sarah.

Tomatillos? They are one of my favorite things to grow. If you ever have had green salsa on a taco it was made from tomatillos. The plant grows much like a tomato, but it is really a relative of the gooseberry. One of the things that makes it so much fun to grow is that it spreads out - is very prolific - and how it grows is tiny lantern like globes appear, get larger, and then the tomatillo grows inside. When they are ripe, they fall off the plant, but often I'll harvest some before then. I didn't take any pictures last year but found this one on the web. The tomatillo itself is a bit sticky.

tomatillogs.jpgPretty neat, huh?

By the way, Congratulations on both of your wins. You're going to be a busy  lady.


Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
5/6/2009 2:52:26 PM

Lady Sarah,

I will despatch a rider to my estates in Scotland.

We have there the finest of salmon.

Our local fish are just Pike, a muddy fellow but much improved with a good parsley sauce.

I fear the salmon may be a little warm when it arrives but I will place it in the icehouse imediately.

Sir Roger

Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
5/7/2009 9:14:46 AM
Thank you young lady for your kind comments. Please permit me to elaborate just a little. If we travel far out into the depths of space, and look back, our beautiful planet is just a speck in this great scheme of things. The most powerful telescopes available to us have yet to locate a planet with so many resources and beauty as Dear Mother Earth. However, a very large majority of people DO NOT SEEM TO CARE and are contributing to the possible disaster that faces us all. Since joining AdlandPro, YOU, Sarah are the only person I have met who thinks the same as I. However, in saying that, I am quite sure there are many more people on the same level as yourself. Seems to me that business, business, business, and the mighty dollar are the most important to many. I welcome YOU, Sarah, into my personal space as a caring person with similar thought patterns as myself. All around us is ENERGY!!! We use this energy everyday, and with our free-will (freedom of choice) we project out, good or bad. Very few people realize that it is natural law of the universe that the energy we project, COMES BACK TO US, to either give us peace and happiness, or else with a vengeance so as to TEACH US. I must be honest with you in saying, I do not KNOW how this part of it works - it is a mystery -but it certainly does return to the sender. On the other side of the coin all GOOD projected out WILL come back to the sender.......eventually. There is no time limit on this I have found. Therefore, I would say to every uncaring soul dwelling on planet Earth, go ahead, trash our beautiful planet, pollute the waterways, but BE PREPARED to face the consequences of your action as LIFE IS LAW!!! Thank you Sarah. I am sure we both welcome other souls with similar thoughts to our own. May the 'Source of ALL there is', God the Father, pour down his Light, Love, and treasurehouse of riches on EVERY soul dwelling on planet Earth. Georgy. J.

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