Hi Sarah,
All the predictions about the world ending in 2012 could be wrong, it's easier for many people to duplicate a mistake than for one person to duplicate perfection. Besides, how do we know that the people who created the calendars all started on the same day or the "right" day?
I don't think people can truly destroy the earth, we can mess up the air and the land and the water, but this planet was here long before we were and it will be here long after humankind is gone.
In all our billions of great egos, we each fail to realize that all the accomplishments of the human race are contained in a very small area, planet Earth. No one knows about our accomplishments except us, and each of us will die. Archaeologists are too busy digging up the past, the historical people with all the monetary donations should put it toward the future, we already know what happened in the past, people made stuff, it got broken and buried under the earth, they died. Sounds just like the present and most likely the future.