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Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Re: A Plan for Success
1/29/2008 8:12:56 PM

Yes, the Smart Pages are here! 


Get your Smart Page Free Today!
No Membership Required!
Plus a 11 More Marketing Tools!
Absolutely FREE!
FREE Training Monady and Wednesday's TOO!

Just Sharing the Love...and Appreciation


e-BOOK & AUDIO...  $47 VALUE - FREE!

It's simple, it works, and you can do it



We designed Mentors Club so that it would complement just about every other mlm program on the market, not compete with them.
In fact... what we offer at Mentors Club can help associates become more successful in any program they are currently working.
The only argument that someone could make is that the associate would have to take time away from their current mlm company to build an income with Mentors Club.
Well..... since you only need to have two personally sponsored Mentors Club members to qualify for all 12 levels... that is not an issue. Most plans require 6 to 40 personally sponsored members to max out their comp plans.
So.... if you run across someone involved in an mlm program. Make sure you take the time to share with them that the training & tools they will receive from Mentors Club could help them explode their current business and build an additional income stream at the same time.




May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Re: A Plan for Success ~ Why do you need this Legal Plan?
1/30/2008 3:17:56 AM

Your Savings Highway Family Legal Plan

Provided by Legal Club Of America.

With Savings Highway, you receive The Legal Club Membership, Roadside Assistance, all the Savings Programs, and much more!  

You now have access to a nationwide network of attorneys for all your personal legal needs.

Why do you need this Legal Plan?

Savings Highway Legal Plans give you access to quality law firms.

Have you ever...

    * Been overcharged for a repair?
    * Received a speeding ticket?
    * Been audited?
    * Purchased a home?
    * Tried to return a defective product?
    * Lost a security deposit?
    * Signed a contract?
    * Prepared a will?

Even though most people find themselves in these situations, the majority do not seek the advice or help of a qualified lawyer. Why?

    * It may cost too much.
    * They may not know where to begin.
    * The process is intimidating.

You only get as much justice as you can afford. If you don't know your rights, you simply don't have any! The top 10% of income earners can afford to have a lawyer on retainer and are accustomed
to asking their lawyer for advice before making decisions. What about you?

With Savings Highway:

    * You know who to call for legal assistance...
    * You receive many more great benefits like Roadside Service
    * You can save hundreds on Groceries
    * The Tax Write Offs can be tremendous
    * You can earn up to $36,000 per month
    * You are empowered by knowing your legal rights

Without Savings Highway:

    * You may try to handle legal matters by yourself.
    * You'll likely receive as much justice as you can afford.
    * You may pay hundreds of dollars for ONE HOUR of a lawyer's time.
    * If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.
    * You won't receive all the Savings and Benefits.
    * You won't enter our Global 2X12 Income Generator.

With a Savings Highway legal plan you can say, "I'm going to talk to my lawyer about this" -- and mean it!

Here are your Savings Highway Legal Benefits:

Legal Club of America is a discount legal referral service with a nationwide network of plan attorneys who provide free and discounted legal care for over 1 million families. Membership includes you, your spouse, children under 25 and any dependents that may be living with you.
Free Legal Services:

The following nine (9) services are available at no charge from your plan attorney.

    * Initial phone consultations for each new legal matter (no time limit)

    * Initial face to face consultations for each new legal matter (no time limit)

    * Review of independent legal documents (6 page maximum per document, no limit to the number of new independent documents)

    * Plan attorneys will prepare a free Simple Will for you and your family, as well as update the Will annually for free.

    * A state specific, web based, free Living Will form is available to Members. This form can be taken to a plan attorney and completed by the attorney for free.

    * Plan attorneys will help Members represent themselves in small claims court

    * Assistance in solving problems with government programs, such as INS and welfare

    * When deemed appropriate by your plan attorney, he or she will write letters on your behalf (one letter per legal matter, with no limit on the number of new legal matters)

    * When deemed appropriate by your plan attorney, he or she will make phone calls on your behalf (one phone call per legal matter, with no limit on the number of new legal matters)

Deeply Discounted Legal Services*:

Plan attorneys have contracted to never charge more than $75.00 per hour for legal care that goes beyond the free and discounted services described above.

After the free letters, calls and consultations take place, you and your attorney will decide what course of action to take next. In many cases, you will have no choice and litigation may ensue This is the point in time that plan attorneys charge the $75.00 hourly rate for legal care.

In the case of extended legal care, plan attorneys may ask you for a retainer. Any retainer sought will be computed by multiplying the number of hours a plan attorney believes a case will take, by the plan’s discounted hourly rate.

For instance; 10 hours x $75.00 = a retainer of $750.00. Any unused portion of the retainer will be returned to you.

Contingency Fee Discounts:  The contingency fee discount will be a 10% reduction of the state maximum rate or the attorney's usual rate, whichever is lower.

Isn't it great to know that you have a Previously Paid Legal Plan at the best price! 


To use your Savings Highway Legal Plan, log in to your Members Area and click on the QUICK START LINK.

Log in at



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
Re: A Plan for Success
2/3/2008 9:34:42 PM

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
Re: A Plan for Success
2/4/2008 3:13:35 PM

Photo of the Week Nominations



Hello Everyone! Smiley

This will be the Nominations forum for the Photo of the Week Contest! When we get enough nominations we will announce it and use those nominations for the new poll. Any nominations received after that will be used for the following poll and so on.

  This will be the only nominations forum. 

Located here


The winner of the Photo of the Week contest will get $50 cash (from Bogdan the CEO of AdlandPro) and will have their photo displayed some where at AdlandPro, probably at the photo gallery.

Thanks for your support and a Special thanks to Bogdan for Providing the Prize!


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
Re: A Plan for Success
2/7/2008 11:08:53 PM


Last year I witnessed a viral marketing website erupt in growth
faster than I'd ever thought was even possible.

I was personally invited to check it out myself recently, and I
can say with confidence that I don't think there's been a better
Internet Marketing website released in years.

The combination of remarkably powerful viral growth and a
breakthrough new type of direct-to-desktop advertising almost
makes using this site unfair to your competition.

Check it out here...

Jim Allen III

ULearn2Earn with Our Help
The Social Networking Community 
Where Networking Really Happens. 

P.S.  Here's some actual emails they received from people while
they were testing their site:

     "I haven't ever seen a system build a downline so
      fast. I joined your program just to try something
      new.  Four days later I had a downline of 43 people.
      This is unbelievable." 
           ~ Harry Joseph

     "I invited just a handful of people only a few days
      ago and I already have 48 members on 5 levels below
      me.  I am going to keep promoting this, but I see it
      has a life of it's own now. I couldn't stop my
      network from expanding if I wanted to!"

           ~ David Parton

     "I only sent a handful of invitations to members of my
      upline, as my own test, and they ALL joined me!"

           ~ Deb McCauley

     "All I can is wow! I have just starting using
      DesktopLightning, but I was astounded at how quickly
      and effortlessly my list grew. I just let a handful
      of friends know about it, and my list quickly started
      growing by itself, with new members added everyday."

           ~ Simon Ussher

     "This website is so viral - I received over 100
     sign-ups and my network is already 5 levels deep in
     less than 48 hours."

           ~ Rene Keiser

     "Wow! Desktoplightning sure is well named.  My list
      took off like a Nascar Race Car! People are lining up
      at the starting grid!"

           ~ Mark McGimpsey
Definitely take a look at this site.  I'm sure you'll be
absolutely blown away by the results you get.  I'm still a
bit flabbergasted by the sheer power of it all:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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