This past evening was a bit hectic around the eight o'clock hour at my house.
Two very interesting conference calls were offered up at the same time. By the same organization. The same organization that I have been a member of and sharing with you good folks since I became active here back in 2005.
Why were the calls so interest jarring that I listened to one online and the other via the telephone?
I finally had to choose between the two and listened and learned a lot about self publishing and writing. Something we seem to do a lot of around my office here in Safety Harbor. You know much like yourselves. I spend a lot of time writing emails, forum posts, blog posts, make additions to my yet finished/published e-book and enjoying all that Social Networking has to offer.
I did find one tidbit that was quite interesting.
This group is going to share tips on "Social Networking". You know there are some smart folks out there that will help us get more out of what we do everyday, in our social communities thus maximizing our earning potential. Something to look forward to don't you think?
On the other line was Stephen Pierce a renowned and successful person, especially in the Internet Marketing arena.
His training and success site is going to be added to the package this group is offering that is already jam packed full of marketing goodies, self improvement and personal development products. Not to mention the access you have to real live mentoring types. These folks really talk with you not at you. Trust me this makes a huge difference when you are considering a program for personal development.
The good news is that this coming Wednesday evening we will have access to him again in less hurried and coinciding atmospheres.
But it was nice having a choice and a definite decision to make as to what I was most interested in, as aopposed to what they wanted me interested in. Know what I mean Vern?
Then at 9:00 they had this guy that has personally sponsored 51 new members in my program in the last 30 days.
Now that is impressive as I have not had a month like that myself. YET!
I listened to what he had to say and he promises to let us in on more of his personal success secrets. I am really interested because I have been around a lot longer than him and I just have to know what he is doing that I may not be. So I am for sure going to be on that one too.
Now you know that I am a frugal kind of guy and though I may blast and ad now and again.
I do stick with things to prove them out and then I can refer them to my friends like yourself. In other words I am no program jumper. This group is worth the $1.00 a day it costs me to have access to all that is offered.
I highly suggest and recommend that you, do your due diligence and visit my link and then get back to me with your impressions.
Heck you may even figure its worth getting involved. Especially when you realize that you have 7 Niche sites in one and soon will have 10 Niche sites in one.
Multiple websites, personal development, self help videos, and Live Personal Mentoring for a Dollar a Day.
Visit my site investigate for yourself. Then please get back to me and share your thoughts. Your are welcome to do so here in this forum or post your comments on this blog post. |