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Ann Nurse

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Re: Be Careful What You Say...
9/28/2007 6:05:09 PM
Hi Jim, I have been inspired by the comments that have written. The tongue indeed is unruly. You have probably seen Dr. Charles Stanley, out of Atlanta, preach on TV. He gave a sermon on Putting on the Whole Armor of God-daily. This has probably been the most helpful admonition to me, because it has a constant reminder for the day to stay undefined -even with your tongue. Some times it has been very hard not to return angry, hateful words to someone who is spewing angry words at you but I have found the rewards of not spewing back angry words has resulted in some people coming into an understanding that, there is a better way- and that I was a part of them coming into that understanding. A friend gained is better than angry rhetoric. Thanks for sharing. Ann M. Nurse
Ann M. Nurse Author
James Wright

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Re: Be Careful What You Say...
9/29/2007 3:21:12 PM

Hi Ann, it is very important to put on the armour of God every day. Because without it, we are inviting the devil in to play games with our soul.

Dr Charles Stanley

Ephesians 6:11  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Thank you for stopping by Ann, and I hope you are having a blessed weekend!

James Wright

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Re: Be Careful What You Say...
9/29/2007 3:23:40 PM


Judy Smith

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Re: Be Careful What You Say...
9/29/2007 7:25:59 PM

Hi Jim,

What a day - and I am exhausted!  My little grandchildren do have a way of wearing me out.

During our "whirlwind day" I had so many opporunities to "bite my tongue".  I slipped once and immediately thought of this forum. 

Somewhere I heard that God will give me credit for trying, even when the I slip and fail, and long as I get back up and brush myself off and start all over again!


James Wright

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Re: Be Careful What You Say...
9/30/2007 8:06:14 AM

Hi Judy, It sound like you might be referring to righteousness by works. If you are a born again Christian (baptized by immersion, as Christ was) then all you need to be concerned with is righteousness by faith.

Here is a text to illustrate:

1 John 1:9  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
