"May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable to You, O God, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 51:17
Hi James,
Thanks for sharing these Inspiring words with us here today.
In his book Words to Live By, Sidney Greenberg wrote "One of God's most precious gifts to us is the power of speech. It separates us from the animals and from the world of nature. It should be used with kindness, care and compassion." (pg, 100). If we each took a moment and thought about all the various forms of communication we engaged in today, would they be pleasing to God?
The Bible teaches that we are all made in the image of God. As such, we have an obligation to approach every conversation, every communication, as if we are approaching God.
When we pause, even for the count of three, so that we might choose our words more carefully, then our words will be more pleasing to God. When our words and conversations are based on the qualities of kindness, care and compassion, they will be more pleasing to God.
For myself at least, the way to create more meaningful communication is to become aware of what I say, and to always ask myself this question: will this be pleasing to God? We must all be aware of our underlying purpose in using these words, that is to share and to care, to heal and not to hurt. Also, you might be surprised how this brief pause, even for just a few seconds, will often lessen that anger, that frustration, or that hurt that you were feeling and allow you to communicate positively rather the negatively.
Thanks again James for this thought-provoking post.
God Bless You My Friend,