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James Wright

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Re: Special Request...
9/22/2007 10:22:40 AM

It's interesting to note, that the word Christian was not used in the bible but only three times in the KJV. Other versions use it more frequently.

I like this definition:  A Christian (listen) is a religious follower who adheres to Christianity, a monotheistic[1] religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament.[2] Christians believe Jesus to be the Son of God and the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament and believe him to be their Lord and savior.

The term Christian means "belonging to Christ" and is derived from the Greek noun Χριστός Khristós which means "anointed one," which is itself a translation of the Hebrew word Moshiach (Hebrew: משיח, also written "Messiah"), (and in Arabic it is pronounced Maseeh مسيح).


In order to be a true Christian, one needs to be born again, with water and of the Spirit, and Christ set us the example by doing this Himself, as an adult.

Re: Special Request...
9/22/2007 10:36:55 AM
Hello James, Pretty much everyone has already summed up what I was going to say. Except for the following that comes to mind. To be Christian is to Love not only yourself and family, but everyone in the world for everyone should be part of your family. To not just help yourself and those close to you, but to try to help everyone because everyone can be close to you if you let them. To look past everyone's faults to see what lies beneth, their true inner self and beauty. Not to judge people by something bad that they might have done, but by the good that thay have done. When I told a new friend of mine that I was a Christian, they said that I couldn't be because I don't go to church. I told them that I use to. I even went to a Cathlic school growing up. But I am always working and to busy to get to church, but not too busy to talk to God everyday and pray everyday and worship him in my own way everyday. That you don't have to sit in a building to prove that you love God. You prove your love by what you say and do everyday. I am working 2 jobs plus run my own internet business and an animal rescue from my house. I work 7 days a week and sometimes 22 hours in a day. But I always find the time to help others, to help animals, to check on Senor citizens that I know and see if they need anything, read the bible alone or to others, bring pets to nursing homes and chhildrens homes to brighten their day and much more. I know that I am a Christian because I am happy with my life. I don't need a lot of material things or money. What I have I am happy to share. I donate not just money, but time, labor and prayers. I need to go. I have a customer now. I'll try to come back later when I get a chance. Sincerely, Ms. Laurie Konscak
Re: Special Request...
9/22/2007 11:07:17 AM

To be a Christian is to live your life through Christ sharing his values.

Simple but that's how I feel.

Thanks Jim

Joyce Allen

Re: Special Request...
9/22/2007 11:09:23 AM
A Christain is a person who believes the HolY Bible is the inspired inerrant word of God. It was given to us as a pattern for our lives. A Christain believes that when he submits himself to Jesus that he begins an entirely new life. He has been born again. When the Book of Acts of the Apostles gets from his head into his heart, exciting things including miracles will take place. Robert Spengler PS: you did't say that you wanted 50 pages. I trust this will do. RS
Robert H. (Bob) Spengler The SPENGLER HEALTH PLAN will work for you. Go to
James Wright

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Re: Special Request...
9/22/2007 11:11:09 AM

Wow, I'm happy to see all the heartfelt responses coming in. Laurie, thank you so much for stopping by. We need more people like you around here!!

God knows, and God understands when you cannot make it to church. Often times I can't make it either, simply because I don't have wheels, and I'm stuck in a hotel. I generally will go if I can, because we of like minds need to share our faith with one another. Going to church also should be an outward sign to others of what we believe in and put into practice. Of course we should practice what we know, like you said, on a daily basis, and God will bless us even more when we do this. Have a great day!!



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