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Re: Inspiration For The Day!
7/31/2005 8:54:29 PM
Hello Marilyn, Always a pleasure to see what you have to share. Very inspirational, thank you. Many Blessings, Crystal
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Flag of Elizabeth Lessard

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Re: Inspiration For The Day!
7/31/2005 8:55:38 PM
Very well written - passion is one of my favorite things :) Elizabeth
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Re: Inspiration For The Day!
7/31/2005 10:35:30 PM
Dear Marilyn, Thanks for the invite and inspiration. KJ
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Re: Inspiration For The Day!
7/31/2005 10:39:50 PM
Hello Marilyn, Very well said Marilyn. If I may add, inspiration comes when you dedicate what you are doing for someone you do care most and love. I feel inspired and I get more strength for my family. Good subject to start everyone's morning... By the way, I will be on a 32 days vacation starting Aug.4 to Sept.4. Thank you very much. Have a nice day.
Re: Inspiration For The Day!
7/31/2005 10:48:54 PM
Hi Marilyin. Great post!! A vital attitude for you to constantly improve is YOUR PASSION. Improving this attitude affects everyone around you. They believe in you, trust you and want to support you. This one attitude can change your entire life for the better. When you organize all of your activities toward one focused goal, you not only feel more joy in what you are doing, you get more accomplished. Sometimes it helps to find things that make you passionate. For example, for which of these objectives can you generate the most passion and intensity? * Reaching a specific goal * Accomplishing a certain level of perfection * Making a great deal of money * Going back to an original purpose * Beating a challenge * Filling your life with as much happiness as possible * Fulfilling a duty to yourself or your family * Helping a great number of people * Creating a superior reputation * Building a highly-successful business * Helping others achieve success * Becoming the best at what you do * Hitting a specific statistical target * Earning enough money to buy something you really need or want * Making a positive impact on society "Force yourself to smile and you’ll soon stop frowning. "Force yourself to laugh and you’ll soon find something to laugh about. "Wax* enthusiastic** and you’ll very soon feel so. "A being causes his own feelings. "The greatest joy there is in life is creating.What are your greatest joys in life? Best regards carmenjulia

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