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Inspiration For The Day!
7/31/2005 7:22:17 PM
The power of passion When your spirit is battered and your energy is depleted, and you feel like you can't go on, you can go on. In fact you can surpass all you've ever done before and reach a new level of accomplishment. It is amazing what you can do when you know you must. It is incredible what you can accomplish when it means everything to you. But how could you ever be that passionate, and so totally committed that you would endure any difficulty in order to reach ever higher? That's a good question, and one that would be very much worth your time, your thought, your effort to answer. Somewhere in you is something you sincerely care about enough that you would transcend any obstacle in order to give it life. Somewhere in you is a burning passion ready to be ignited. You'll find clues in the things that make you happy, sad, angry, frustrated, joyful, serene, in the things that make you feel most alive. Pay heed to those stirrings, and listen to what they have to say. The power of passion is somewhere in your life. Let yourself know it and live it. Success can find you Successfully solving one problem puts you in great position to tackle the next problem that comes your way. Meeting a difficult challenge gives you the courage to take on even greater challenges. Success in one area of your life can be built upon to positively affect all areas of your life. That's why even the little, seemingly insignificant successes truly matter. Achievement brings to you a type of satisfaction and energy that nothing else can provide. And it is an energy that can be leveraged into further achievement, and then into even more, in a splendid upward spiral. When the big achievements seem to elude you, it's probably because you're ignoring the countless opportunities for small achievements. Not only do those small achievements add up, they multiply exponentially. The rich become richer not because of what they have, but because of the direction in which their momentum is flowing. Even the smallest achievement will get your momentum flowing in that same productive direction. Make something good happen. And there's no end to where it can take you. I hope this gives us all a little bit of inspiration today! Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Inspiration For The Day!
7/31/2005 7:30:53 PM
Hi Friend, Great inspirational though for the day, and for life. it does work. I have been able to break a long writer's block, and actually have the nerve to share something with the public, thabnks to a wonderful friend who encouraged me to join her ezine. Thanks for sharing this reminder with us. Linda
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Re: Inspiration For The Day!
7/31/2005 7:34:56 PM
HI LInda, Nice to see you my friend! Thanks for stopping by and posting here! I am glad you no longer have writer's block! Take care and have a great day! Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Flag of Dave Young

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Re: Inspiration For The Day!
7/31/2005 7:46:25 PM
Hello Marilyn, Thanks for the invite. I feel if a person is passionate about what they are doing, nothing will be able to bring them down. Think positive thoughts all the time, and success will come. When a person thinks negative, it takes a lot of energy and tend to get frustrated, Inspire, empower and have fun. Thanks again. Be passionate.
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Re: Inspiration For The Day!
7/31/2005 7:47:25 PM
Thank you Marilyn, Great words to live by. And success does not come easy but is well worth it in the end. Sorry for the late post, but we just got in from our annual, Pro Life Picnic....It was up in New Hampshire. And Boy am I stuffed. Take Care My Friend, Roy Fielding Boston, Mass
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