
Who is Guadalupe Picon?

Guadalupe Picon

Guadalupe Picon
BirthdayMonday, December 31, 1951
Member SinceThursday, February 17, 2005
Last ActivitySaturday, January 25, 2014
LocationEagle Pass, Texas, United States United States
About Me
About Me
On the road again!

After almost 9 months of being unemployed, I finally started driving again on May 20th, 2010.

I am now in the process of getting my web sites back online.

Please DO visit me at!

My Interests
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Gunther G. - (1/27/2008 7:25:40 PM) : My friend, YOU (the real person) deserve a 10 and since your profile is a good reflection of YOU it get's a 10 too. Does that make it a 20?

Consider yourself "tagged" as per my Friend to Friend for Friends forum.
Guadalupe Picon - (1/27/2008 7:25:40 PM) : Hi, Gunther

Thank you for your kind words. Although I don't deserve it, I'll settle for a "10." And you WERE right ... we DO have a "20" BETWEEN us!

God Bless You, My Friend
James Wright - (9/12/2007 11:31:06 PM) : Bless you Guadalupe! I'm still using free wifi as much as possible. Seems I'm gone most of the time. You deserve a 10 my friend. Jim
Guadalupe Picon - (9/12/2007 11:31:06 PM) : Hi, James!

Thanks for your rating, my friend. Right back at ya! So you and I, together, add up to a 20.

Since your post does not show the TIME you posted it, I hope this is how you felt AFTER my response to you about my forum post. I stayed up pretty late trying to word things just right for Mr. Wright!

Remember, my friend, we are to "hate the sin, love the sinner." Not that I'm calling you a sinner, although we ALL are. What I mean is that just because someone opposes your VIEWS doesn't mean that they're opposed to YOU.

As John Wayne put it in one of his recordings, "United, we stand - divided, we fall. We're AMERICANS ... and that says it all!"

God Bless You And Yours Always!

Your Adlander Friend,

Guadalupe Picon
Joelees Wholesale - (7/6/2007 9:18:24 AM) : Hi Guadalupe,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Guadalupe Picon - (7/6/2007 9:18:24 AM) : Dear Lee,

I see your smiling face at the top of this page, so I can only assume that this message is about YOU.

Did YOU rate me? If you did, thank you for rating me a "10." Personally, I've never considered myself more than a "5" ... the "average Joe" type. I didn't even know there WAS a rating system here! (Shows you where I"VE been.)

Anyway, thanks. You are the VERY FIRST to give me a rating. (Of course, I have no idea how long this rating bit has been available.)

In MY book you're N-O-W-H-E-R-E N-E-A-R A "10." In M-Y book, you're a "Grade A 100!"

God Bless You, My Friend ... the world NEEDS more Lee's.

Your Adlander Friend,

Guadalupe Picon
