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Re: Apology to Adland Community
9/13/2007 8:42:20 PM

Hi Jenny

I'm confused also, I've searched all over, and I've not found any thing pertaining to a CRC manual either.


Can you clarify where we are suppose to look?


Re: Apology to Adland Community
9/13/2007 9:57:54 PM

Hello BJ and Jenny.

   You might be a little angry with me for my tactics but, I was important to make this point.

   My point is this. How can people even attempt to evaluate the worthiness or the failures of the CRC if nobody even knows what our objectives and procedures are. How can we assess the value or the failures of the CRC if we do not even have any information with which to base our opinions.

   We have nothing more than other peoples opinions, unless we have actually been involved in a conflict,   to help us formulate our evaluation of what is supposed to be a vital part of this community. There was a post by Bogdan in a public forum announcing the official beginning date for CRC operations. He also gave a fairly detailed description of the function and procedures of the CRC in a post on that forum. The last time that anyone has visited that forum was March 19, 2007. Here is the link to that forum.

   So, considering the fact that it appears that nobody even knows where to look for information about the CRC, I have to assume that very few here have any real knowledge about the function and proceedures of the CRC.

   This brings me to another question. For those who have had an opinion regarding the CRC, whether negative or positive, upon what information were those opinions based? The possible sources of that information are obviously very limited. I will leave it to you to try to determine the potential sources of that information. I will also leave it to you to try to determine the validity of those opinions based on the very limited number of possible resources with which to base those opinions.

   It is my belief that there does need to be a more open line of communication between the CRC and the community as a whole. My reasons for this I think are pretty obvious. I also believe that it is the responsibility of every member here to at least become familiar with what information has been made available before expressing any opinions about the CRC whether negative or positive. If one feels that there has not been enough information made available then I would suggest asking for more information.

    Again, I have to stress the point that I am not acting on behalf of the CRC by offering my opinions here. These are strictly my own opinions based on information that I have gathered and things I have personally observed happening as the result of the lack of a clear understanding of the CRC function and the reaction of the community. I do not consider my opinion to be either more or less valid than anyone elses.

Sincerely, Bill Vanderbilt

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Apology to Adland Community
9/14/2007 6:09:14 AM

Bj, Thanks  for  your  public apology.

   You  have  made  a  victory  for  yourself.


"  He  who  gains  a  victory  over  other  men  is  strong ;  BUT   he  who

gains  a   victoty  over  himself  is  All   Powerful ."

Lao   Tzu 


  Your  Friend

   Elbert  L   ( gouardhead )

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Re: Apology to Adland Community
9/14/2007 8:05:06 AM
Hi Bj abd Bill,

Bill, this is the same link that I put in my previous post whenI asked for clarification of the CRC rules. I believe that this is urgently needed so that the membership are clear about the criteria under which the CRC operates.  Because it is no longer clear and the answers are not  ont

 AFTER that you mention a manual.  I couldnt find one so I returend to ask the question,

My personal comments about the CRC are based on a complaint I have made in the past, and several complaints which have been made by, or against fellow members of my acquaintance.  So my questions still stand.

I have read the TOS many times and also the forum that we have both included here.  There are many who havent and never will and many who have. You have, in my opinion, just made a cry to the membership to do its due  So it doesnt change anything - I would still like to have clarification on the questions I have asked and I imagine so would quite a few other members

Re: Apology to Adland Community
9/14/2007 1:28:12 PM

Hello Jenny

   I didn't mean to point fingers or make accusations. I understand your feelings about not having enough information about the CRC. I think everyone has a right to be concerned about what goes on in this community. My whole point is basically the same as yours. I feel like everyone should be able to read the entire CRC manual and have an opportunity to ask questions if there is a need for clarification.

   The opinions being expressed about the CRC are not all in the public forums.

   I have always felt that open communication is the best tool we have for avoiding conflicts. I would just like to see more of it here. I really do have the best interest of this community at heart when I discuss these matters but without fACTS being available to aid in these discussions, I am afraid we aren't really getting anywhere.

  To answer your    question about where to find the CRC manual, I'm sorry but I don't know. I wish I could help you more with this. One last thing. When I asked in here for opinions about what to do to impprove communication, so far, I have received one. It was yours and I just answered it the best I could.

Sincerely, Bill

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy

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