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Ricardo Alcaraz

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Re: Panda Pointer--What's Nice and what's not!! You tell us! Survey
9/11/2007 1:11:23 AM
Hello Mary,

Thank you for posting this list. I never really thought about these things until you listed them here. I was kind of thinking that these go with the territory especially when dealing with people with differing backgrounds and personalities.

But having this list helps make me more aware about these things. I know that it will helpful especially when there seems to be a misunderstanding. It will help when responding to other's comments and posts.

So thank you once again.


Re: Panda Pointer--What's Nice and what's not!! You tell us! Survey
9/11/2007 1:48:24 AM

Mary  ,, Thanks  For  the  Invite.

          I  Have  read  Everyones  input (  It  great  >>  In  my  way  of  thinkin ) 

        But   I   Feel   we  will  do  ourselfs   a   faver   To   remember

  Life  Is   10 %  What  happens  &  90 %  How  we  react   to  it .


      Your  Friend

  Elbert  L  ( gouardhead )

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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Panda Pointer--What's Nice and what's not!! You tell us! Survey
9/11/2007 7:05:10 AM
Tracy, Thanks for hopping in here. I assume you have nothing else to add to the list. If you think of something do come back. Etiquette is debatable as it is subject to intrepretation, just as is personal mail use and advertising in the wrong places. What is acceptable to one is not to another. I think I may bend here and list some of these practices that may not be acceptable. Perhaps just re-direct to another panda pointer on etiqutte so that the list here is narrowed to those for which we need to practice caution.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Panda Pointer--What's Nice and what's not!! You tell us! Survey
9/11/2007 7:07:20 AM
Ricardo, You made my day. That is the exact intention of this forum. We go to expect this as part of the territory and accept it. Then we can quickly become victims. Please make sure your friends are aware of this when it appears in Panda Pointers.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Panda Pointer--What's Nice and what's not!! You tell us! Survey
9/11/2007 7:11:05 AM
Elbert, You are right in the cases of etiquette but there is such a thing as terms of service. They are here to protect people from abuse. When new to the internet or desperate judgement may step aside so this page is here to read and re-read when we think we are not using common sense. Thanks for stopping in and reminding us to keep a healthy attitude BUT do be cautious. It's not all nice.