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Word of the Day - Pukka - Aug. 28, 2007
8/28/2007 7:45:26 AM

Word of the Day for Tuesday, August 28, 2007

pukka \PUHK-uh\, adjective:

1. Authentic; genuine.
2. Good of its kind; first-class.

He talks like the quintessential pukka Englishman and quotes Chesterton and Kipling by the yard and yet he has chosen to live most of his adult life abroad.
-- Lynn Barber, "Bell book . . . and then what?", The Observer, August 27, 2000
If he does not have a house, the government gives him a pukka residence, not a . . . shack on the pavement but a solid construction.
-- Salman Rushdie, The Ground Beneath Her Feet

Pukka comes from Hindi pakka, "cooked, ripe," from Sanskrit pakva-, from pacati, "he cooks." Entry and Pronunciation for pukka

Re: Word of the Day - Pukka - Aug. 28, 2007
8/28/2007 9:43:38 AM
B J, I can't think of a sentence right now, but I think you've given me the name for my next cat! Or I could nickname a very good friend of mine 'Pukka'... I like this thread; I like working with words and finding new ones. Thanks!
Flag of Monica S

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Re: Word of the Day - Pukka - Aug. 28, 2007
8/28/2007 10:58:02 AM

Ok I don't like this word.. yuck.. know what it sounds like to me?

I pukka on you


You pukka on me



Ok Joe, eagerly awaiting to see what sentence you come up with for THIS word!! LOL



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Re: Word of the Day - Pukka - Aug. 28, 2007
8/28/2007 12:14:29 PM

Hi Lorraine

Thank you, and glad you are enjoying these words of the day.  I have a very good sentence. 

To have friends like you that are so pukka, is a treat in itself.

Thanks Lorraine


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Re: Word of the Day - Pukka - Aug. 28, 2007
8/28/2007 12:17:12 PM

LOL Monica

I know to you what this sounds like.

But my dear, you are a very pukka person, very pukka.

And this is a compliment, and I think your friends realize this also.



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